Master of Puppets - Who's pulling Starmer's strings?
To understand Starmer, you must understand Blair. The man pulling the strings of our presumptive new Prime Minister requires careful scrutiny. So, too, their common vision for the Future of Britain.
With the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change’s 2024 conference coming up on July 9, it makes sense to re-share this conversation with about what we saw there in 2023.
This is a must-watch for anyone seeking to understand the policies Starmer has already signed us up to: from AI in the classroom to genetic engineering in our hospitals and food supply. These ideas have fed directly into the Labour Manifesto. Many of the ‘climate’ policies are being implemented by local authorities as we speak.
Head to UK Column to watch back > Master of Puppets.
Who is controlling Britain? Who has the blueprint of the master plan for Britain; who, indeed, is the master of puppets? The familiar three-word phrase we have all become so used to Build Back Better, has been abandoned for a new model: Build More, Faster.
Is the population of the (not very) United Kingdom being governed by a shadow government controlled by a secret premier? Ben and Debi conduct a post mortem of the Blair event: a day where the future of Britain was revealed to the few personally invited, or those observant enough to sign up to watch.
I dove into the UN website and its mountains of publications about two years ago and found some interesting connections. Many of the WEF cliches seemed to have their origins in UN publications, such as the Build Back Better slogan. If my memory serves me right, I traced that slogan to a 2020 paper on the UN website.
What surprised me the most was finding older cliches that I thought were unique to America, such as no child left behind, all throughout some of the older UN literature. Our local politicians take marching orders, or at least inspiration, from global powers and interests it seems.
you want to find out what your politicians will be pushing next, just read the current SDG drivel published by the UN to find out.
It seems the globalists like Blair who are involved in all of those global organizations like UN, WEF, BIlderberg, etc all know each other, work together, and speak with one voice. Whoever is hiding in the shadows above them is anyone's guess.
Go behind the Starmer puppet and you'll find another puppet. Blair is almost certainly a Jesuit, who are likely the 'hidden hand' and not as some were commenting only today in the chat box, "the Jews". What really blew my mind to contemplate was the assertion made recently by Steve Falconer, speaking on this subject, that Bibi and Trump are in fact Jesuits also. What have the Romans ever done for us, eh!