Great chat guys - really interesting to hear, especially as its such a complicated issue with so many nuances and angles, which heightens the difficulty of the task in bringing about peace in the Middle East unless they decide to recognise the OT instruction "Thou shalt not kill" of course... Here's hoping!

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here's hoping indeed

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Majestic Insight Fella's : The Dark Nobility, The New Money of Corporate Capitalists, The Tavistock Media Sycophants & The Cap In Hand Political Elites, All Disciple's to The War Machine, Genocide In Gazza, Actioned Democide & War on the Poor, Underclass, Working Class, Middle Class, World Wide & In Plaine Sight !!!

That Warning Notice Of Lukewarm Defenders : Stated by That Poster Boy From Florence - Registered & Actioned.

“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones. ― Niccolò Machiavelli

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thanks, not heard the Machavelli quote before and it's a gem..!

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Jan 26Liked by Ben Rubin

Just watched the latest UK Column news, a beauty as usual.

Not surprised at the fairly weak ruling by the ICJ on the obvious genocide conducted by the rogue Zionist State of Israel on the people in Gaza...after all, the ICJ is just another part of "the system". Good for Piers Robinson however, for putting as positive a spin on it as he could. Meanwhile the Zionists keep doing what they do best: killing and lying.

My usual theme at rallies is anti-vax/quax, e.g. carrying a banner proclaiming "Pfizer warns 5th booster needed for those not yet dead" surmounting a skull & crossed syringes. But on Sunday I will attend a pro-Palestinian rally here in Adelaide, with "Breaking news:

Zionist Oz Media Chokes To Death On Its Own Lies."

Your report on the execrable traitor/war criminal Blair's activities in our region didn't surprise me. Nice to see him quite "croaky" these days...is this a sign that he is starting to choke to death on HIS own lies?

Debbie summing up her report on vax injury/death and mass murder of older folk by Midazolam ("death from Covid") with "The death industry is alive and well."

Nice comment by yourself re CBDC and all the other global-parasite bullshit to kill/enslave the hapless "human cattle": "The Establishment entrenching its position in perpetuity."

Love those French farmers! Vive le Merde as a weapon against their treasonous govt.

Nothing but the best of this world for the Davos satan-worshippers: pate de foie gras washed down with Chateau Moutin de Rothschild, and when that settles, a nice time with the best hookers Swiss francs can buy.

Lady Rothschild working her puppet, in this case the awful traitor Johnson...an exquisitely symbolic clip! As you note: "Appalling persons."

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loving the feedback and the updates Graham, so glad we've reached you over in Oz. If you're on Telegram would be great to see you over there as well :) https://t.me/riseUK

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Why are you ignoring that October 7th was exactly like the Bangladesh genocide that Pakistan leaders ordered its army to commit?

2 million Hindus killed and 300,000 raped to scare the other 30 million out of Pakistan. IN 1971?


Why are you ignoring the tens of millions forced to flee when Pakistan was created? Why are these not worthy of your support?

It seems like you only care when Jews or Christians are involved that you object, but let Muslims kill millions at will with no concern for the dead from you whatsoever.

Apologies if I'm mistaken, but I don't think so.

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I can't believe you can't see the lie whilst ignoring the creation of Pakistan 1 year before Israel.

WHY is it ok for Muslims to force tens of millions out of their houses to create a Muslim state(a million died defending their homes) but not the Jews?

WHY was it ok for the Pakistan army to murder 2 million Hindus so the other 30 million would leave in 1971?

They also raped 300k women to make sure the Hindus would leave their Muslim country.


Where is your support of these 30 million people?

WHY only the Palestinians? Or is it only when Jews do wrong that you are all bothered?

The UN didn't condone October 7th until November. It condoned Israel a dozen times in between.

Why have one of their Communist stooges, Richard Falk on? Why does he talk about the supposed Gaza genocide of the poor Palestinians who were occupied in 1948 but can't see October 7th was like THE BANGLADESH GENOCIDE which was like THE DAY OF ACTION in India when Muslims killed thousands forcing the partition which was like the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE when Muslims killed a million Christians to scare the other 3 million to leave.

The awakening is unstoppable. Communists have abused our children to push their stinking power trip and time is running out for them.

Tell Falk that NOBODY supports the child and women raping scum that you lot do. Lefties who can't think do. Normal people hear how Hamas raped mothers in front of their kids before killing them all and support Israel 100% until every Hamas scum is dead or in prison.

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Jan 23Liked by Ben Rubin

Great interview with the brilliant Alex Thomson, Ben. When I saw this, in addition to appreciating your work on UK Column, I knew I needed to join Rise UK...even though I live in Adelaide, South Australia.

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thank you Graham!

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Many thanks Ben, very interesting conversation. As regards Rishi Sunak if I haven't linked before , I did this on him. Anagrams of his name seem to indicate the problems we face with him.


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Jan 18Liked by Ben Rubin

Not watched/listened yet, but...

The UK Column's Ben Rubin honed in on the tapestry at a Davos meeting. Is it the height of sophistication or degenerate drivel? It's by Grayson Perry; that bloke in a dress.

Ugly Art By Ugly People


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Jan 18Liked by Ben Rubin

Will definitely check this out. Sounds an interesting conversation.

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Sitting, drawing, listening.


Thank you.

Whatever the historical ins and outs, eastern €uropeans seem to have invaded, disrupted and dislodged the Palestinians. I suspect the solution is a return to a Palestinian state where various creeds can reside side by side more peacefully than today.

I am reclaiming my birthday 27 Jan., as Gaza Genocide Memorial Day.

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Finally I've listened to this - informative. However why set a hare on the track re Sunak's bracelet? Surely the simple answer is it's a Kautuka - Hindu ritual protecting thread? As far as I'm aware he's been wearing it or a similar saffron/red thread for years - not a new addition?

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Finally I've listened to this - informative. However why set a hare on the track re Sunak's bracelet? Surely the simple answer is it's a Kautuka - Hindu ritual protecting thread? As far as I'm aware he's been wearing it or a similar saffron/red thread for years - not a new addition?

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Cheers, Ben.

I'm not on much other than UK Column, 21 Wire, TOTT News (Brisbane) and Cory Bernardi's Confidential Daily (Adelaide). Don't even have a "smart" phone, which I regard as a key instrument for the populace's enslavement.

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Saturday morning here in South Australia. I look forward to watching Friday's UK Column news before going up to the farm for a day's work. Yesterday was Australia Day. These days the media provide oxygen to leftist/Aboriginal industry activists who want the day abolished, claiming it is Invasion Day. I had a nice quiet day: brunch with two "freedom friends" (i.e. who are awake to the "system of control" and who stand up when the govt imposes tyranny like the coronahoax/quax mandate), had a barbie of steak & vegetables and a tough run up/down Mt Lofty.

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Is it possible to download this videocast?

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you can download from Odysee https://odysee.com/a-conversation-with-alex-thomson:8

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we are free of all speculation. So lets do something new

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'Christian Zionism'... That's a paid job. Pontius Pilate crucified the Messiah but followers understand where it came from, no rocking the Galilean boat, won't catch the fishes... Alright, good luck with that. Have you read the old and new testament? And can you clarify exactly when they were stuck together in the 'Judeo-Christian' construct? There's certainly less genocide in the New Testament..

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my understanding is the Judeo-Christian thing came along in the past couple of hundred years

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Just a question, do either Alex or yourself read scripture in Hebrew?

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Hi Marion. Yes, Alex teaches the Old Testament in Hebrew. It's one of the reasons I was keen to speak with him on these topics. Many thanks

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Jan 18Liked by Ben Rubin

Hello Ben, I took classes with Rabbi Michoel Green from the US. He refused to close his schul and follow all the Covid edicts. He recommended a book you might find interesting, “Eliminate the Opiate” by Rabbi Marvin Antelman.

With regards to Kabbalah, Billy Phillips explores Kabbalah and the Jesus connection. He was mentioned in a zoom meeting with Zev Zelenko’s younger brother.

Then there is Rabbi Chananya Weissman from Jerusalem who gives some interesting insights into the latest war. He lives in Jerusalem and he can be found on rumble

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thank you Marion, I will look into all these references. Good on Rabbi Green for seeing through the sham :)

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And Aramaic? What exactly are the Elohim and the El?

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i'm going to ask :)

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