It’s curious how you recognize what a remarkably insightful character Horowitz is, yet at the end you believe he is flawed and ‘has a Zionist agenda’ because he supports Israel for daring to defend itself from genocidal Islamists. Has it occurred to you that Horowitz knows a lot more about Israel than you do and that you are the one with a flawed ‘agenda’ which is to obsess about ‘Zionist control’.

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Hi Norman, I would like to start by saying that I respect your work on statistics. But do you honestly believe that Israel were not involved in some way in the October 7th attacks. Do you not think they have a slight whiff of false flag about them. Do you also believe that 2 planes being flown by a couple of poorly experienced Cessner pilots crashed into the WTC, and that buring jet fuel caused them to collapse. I'm genuinely interested, as I see many academics that can see where something is wrong in their own field of expertise, like yourself, but are then incapable of seeing the flaws in other areas.

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It's' astonishing how many folks who have a claim to history, have NO IDEA what Islam's Holy book is all about.

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Bloody Zionists, they have to ruin all the few intelligent things they say by then carrying on like genocidal maniacs that don't understand the first thing about the nature of this world..

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Re: Now, having said all that - proceed with caution. Horowitz, like many US conservatives, is a vocal Zionist and backer of Israeli actions in Gaza.

Oops. I'm afraid that negates all else.

I suspect we are witnessing the beginning of the end of GCL... God's Chosen Lunatics.

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"Vocal zionist" says it all. He's a divide and conquer merchant, blatantly obvious. Anyone who pushes the two party system with so much vigour reveals(to me) their true intent. I've known of this guy for many, many years, if you trust him, you're falling into a trap.

Me, you can't pigeon hole me into any of your neat little boxes. We ALL need to think luke this. Become ONE to fight the bastards.

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