I was, at least, a third generation of Church of England churchgoer; my father a clergyman within it. I loved my father and the church too, growing up. Then, in my 40's, someone I loved died. I howled at my God from where I had pitched my tent - camped there in March in order to be nearer the hospital in East Sussex. What I called to the heavens that tempestuous night was "I just want the truth. Please! Show me the truth. Whatever it is I want the truth". The words just came out of me and I didn't really fully appreciate, I now think, what it actually was I was calling out for - but it waas from a place deep inside and the year was 2010.

It was a crazy journey from that camp site in East Sussex which, I only discovered after I had made my camp there, was called 'Heaven Farm' and there is a whole tale to be told in just that one curiosity. But now I know my God in a way that I could never have done within the confines of 'Church teachings'.

Today all my teaching comes straight from scripture without need for an earthly middle man. Indeed, not just the Church of England, but all denominational churches, all 43,000 of them are now dead to me.

It was an indescribable release from bondage, I now realise. 'Churches' are all a snare and a delusion. Not unlike the 'illusion of choice' you mentioned that our Parliamentary system of governance is. In fact I am beginning to think that there is literally only one truth in this God created experience of the knowledge of good and evil.

I meet brothers and sisters along my journey and I do learn from them too, but it all has to be verified in the scripture or it is chucked out.

I wonder, with all thanksgiving, at all the good people doing great work to navigate through this darkness. Even though we may be fully aware of the spiritual truth of this place, we still have to deal with the earthly, low vibrational, evil in the world. I see all the talents needed to accomplish this seemingly impossible task now coming together; as though orchestrated by my God Himself.

I pray strength and all wisdom for, Charles, James and Ben and all thanks and praise to the Lord.

Godspeed to one and all!

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Thanks so much for your comment. Lots to think on and I'm glad you've found us. Heaven farm - what a coincidence! Godspeed to you too :)

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Many thanks for that, I suppose all not surprising under the circumstances. I stopped attending a C of E church in 2013 because of the same-sex marriage bill which the bishops did not object too en-mass if at all. The C of E has always been a watered down version of the Roman Catholic Church and these were not what God instituted.

We have top down pyramidal structures rather than bottom up.

If I may attach, I did this short piece in 2020 to ridicule the hierarchical structure if you or anyone is interested.


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Thank you Michael. My personal view is any hierarchical structure beyond a certain size is prone to corruption (Catholic church also being a great example of this).

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Many thanks for this Rubin and in fact I listened with fascination and excitement to the Charles Malet interview with James, pretty much as soon as it aired...I will click on the link you kindly provided to the article Charles Malet wrote with regards the latest CoE shenanigans to come to light...

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my pleasure Eloise

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