Recorded delivery letters are surprisingly powerful things, expect to see the degenerates running the West ban them soon.

Just over 30 years ago now my eldest son was coming down a water slide in a local toddler pool and as his feet hit the water his head was thrown forward and struck the side of the slide and it cut through to the bone, luckily no great damage done. We were ushered into the medical room beside the pool and he was sorted out temporarily, I think it eventually needed a couple of stiches. While we were there I asked if this had happened before and the girl said "It happens all the time".

So here we have a clearly dangerous slide, if his nose had hit the side instead of the side of his head he could have been killed, and they were still allowing kids to use it and meanwhile there is the usual totally over the top signage about this hazard or that and for the death slide in the corner nothing.

I wrote off to the council to have the slide removed and got short shrift so I wrote to the Health and Safety Executive, recorded delivery, and got the same response "We think this slide is quite safe etc etc etc". So I simply wrote back and said you will note that I sent the letter to you recorded delivery and if anything ever happens to a child on that slide I will be sending a copy of my letter that I sent to you and the recorded delivery chit to my local MP and my local newspaper. Within a day the slide had a tape put over it and it was gone by the end of the week.

These people do their incompetent evil in the dark and when we shine a light on them they run from that light. It isn't a matter of having them run and hide though so they can come out the next time the sun goes down we must have mass arrests of these big pharma enabling criminals in the West or we simply do not live in free societies. That means every Mengele-like doctor and nurse would have to be put in the camps they had lined up for the unjabbed and that is pretty much them all. Would their patients suffer while they did their ten year stretches in prison? Their patients will probably get better on their own without a constant concoction of big pharma poisons being ladelled down their throats and into their arms by these ignorant people.

Will it happen? It had better happen or the West is gone.

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What I meant to write

Early in the fake pandemic, I was calling for people to deliver by hand or royal mail, letters to MP's HOMES. Subtly letting them know that we know where they live.

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Are you linked in with UK Citizen?

Most Police Chiefs and an awful lot of teachers are on Twitter. Can they be divided up and tagged?

I would volunteer but I’m not on any mainstream platforms anymore.

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