British society has been turned into a high-tech marketplace designed to further the interests of Power and Money at the expense of Citizens and any pretence towards human decency.
What these company valuations mean is that a company is then authorized by the financial system to BORROW said amount of money. It's like a line of credit. Added all together, it gives the banks authorization to create an infinite amount of money out of thin air. Of course it must all be paid back with interest compounded. This is what the usury-based financial system has wrought. It assures that over time everything of value passes into the hands of the banks, which of course are owned in turn by the wealthiest stockholders.
British society. Same as back in the 1700's St. James Square monarchal klepto corporatism.
yes it is a neo-feudalist nightmare
What these company valuations mean is that a company is then authorized by the financial system to BORROW said amount of money. It's like a line of credit. Added all together, it gives the banks authorization to create an infinite amount of money out of thin air. Of course it must all be paid back with interest compounded. This is what the usury-based financial system has wrought. It assures that over time everything of value passes into the hands of the banks, which of course are owned in turn by the wealthiest stockholders.