Good note.

I remember back in the 90's when I was a financial supporter of Amnesty International I wrote to them on two occasions a few months apart warning them that their increasingly feminist viewpoints were in danger of destroying what Amnesty was supposed to stand for i.e. supporting ALL people who were victims of governmental abuse and not just as was increasingly the case back then women who were not even in danger of their lives.

I asked why they were spending time and money on such issues when they should be sticking to aiding those in danger of torture and death at the hands of despicable regimes that I now know were almost all backed by Western governments.

Of course I received no replies to my two letters and I then cancelled my financial support. Sadly Amnesty International was infiltrated a long time ago by those playing their preferred feminist and other leftist politics while real victims were left to rot.

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it’s amazing how comprehensive the subversion of supposedly decent institutions has become

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It is because their supporters do not write such letters as I wrote.

I often pick up litter at a local beauty spot and many passing people will say thank you though I don't do it for their thanks but to make the place nicer for all including the animals whose home it is, though I think mice etc rather like plastic bottles to hide from the rain, and many others see me picking stuff up and say nothing but then run or walk along the way I have just cleared. I often think that if only the ones that said thank you were to pick up one piece of litter instead of saying thank you the world would be a better place and if just one of those people who hadn't said thank you went on to pick a piece up they would do more good than all the walking or running they were doing. Little things count and most people have stopped doing the little things that people used to do.

I remember a story from my hometown of a man getting off the train back in the late 1800's and he came out of the station and went to speak to a road sweep he saw there and enquired where in town he might find lodgings and where he might be able to give some lectures. Lectures were a big thing back in the days before cinema. The road sweep told him what he wanted to know and enquired what he would be lecturing on and the man said ancient Hebrew and its antecedents and the road sweep then went on to ask him many searching questions about Hebrew and many other ancient languages and the man was so taken aback he said excuse me and turned back to the station to leave for another town. Later he confided to someone what had happened and they asked why he had left and he said if the road sweep knows more about ancient Hebrew and other languages than me perhaps that was where the lost tribe of Israel ended up and I would clearly make no money lecturing there. What he didn't know was that the road sweep was a professor of ancient languages at the university who took it upon himself to serve God not only by going to Church but by cleaning up the town for God;s children. I always liked that story, and it is a true one. Those who God chooses to elevate to greatness used to feel they had a duty to those not as favoured as themselves but these days they simply call them right wing fascists and try to have them locked up for daring to speak about what they are experiencing.

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'I often think that if only the ones that said thank you were to pick up one piece of litter instead of saying thank you the world would be a better place'

There is the human predicament: those of us with a conscience and a sense of social responsibility must tidy up the mess and sort out the problem the thoughtless and irresponsible create. The energy we put into doing that could be used more productively if everyone behaved responsibly. Those who drop the litter are the problem, not those who thank others for picking it up while picking up none themselves, for which they may have a good reason.

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Very well said John. My wife and I do try and pick up rubbish ourselves where we live and whilst cycling out.

If you should come across The Phantom Tollboth by Norton Juster, it talks about how people rush around and the place becomes dirtier and dirtier. A book intended for children and adults with a childlike heart and well worth the read.

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Great work Ben. I find your UKC segments first class, so thank you.

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I appreciate your feedback, thank you very much

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All these dubious globalists organisations that act like they're working for humanity whilst working to undermine the very same people in everyway possible.

Amnesty reminds me of the biblical beast in Rev 13:11 - And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon.

At least, the veil has lifted off our eyes to truly know who is on team humanity's side.

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Amne-sty has become a 'sty', a messy pig sty.. It is also an anagram of 'me nasty'.

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Many thanks too Ben for sending such an excellent letter on behalf of the truly well meaning and decent citizens living in the U.K. which sadly seems to be more and more of a dying breed now 🥲

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there’s plenty of us left don’t worry Eloise :) you only need 3-5% of a population to overthrow a government

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Thanks Rubin for that percentage wake up call! and Great, am very reassured and relieved to hear that…

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Well done, Ben. You are a shining example of what journalism should be about and your ability to explain complex issues in laymen's language is what makes your Substack material and appearances on UKColumnNews so appealing.

Keep up the excellent work!

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thank you Michael!

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Well put Mr Rubin.

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thanks Ian

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I support you.

Especially if he knows you, well worth this letter.

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cheers Ned

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My chimney sweep came today. A local Thetford 'Liverpudlian' sticking it to the local council. Just keep at them. Silence is consent.

Mete Coban Shepherds His Herd


It looks like I'm going to engage a 'Turkish' project locally. I'll let you & Mike know as & when confirmed.

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If that excellent letter you have written fails to receive a satisfactory reply you'll know Amnesty is a supporter and enabler of these individuals' rhetoric and behaviour ( laughing at that specimen's aggressive language).

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Thank you, Ben.

More voices like yours are needed to combat the increasingly biased and inflammatory statements that are being issued by so-called supporters against various, perceived 'injustices'. Pity that these narrow-minded people refuse to see that they are now part of the very problems against which they say they are protesting.

Do they even think - or are they just part of the 'rent-a-mob' thugs that seem so prevalent nowadays...??

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Great investigative journalism. To quote Corporal Jones, “They don’t like it up ‘em”.

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You may be amused to know that Ulrike Schmidt will anagram to 'murkiest child', 'Hitler kid scum' and 'CD hitlerism UK'.

It will be interesting to hear if you get a reply to your letter.

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