The president of the Club of Rome is clearly bonkers, and terrifying

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These people are deranged. Just because globalist pressures from the United Nations, the Paris Agreement, the COP shindigs and Uncle Tom Cobley et al say we have to use weather-dependent so-called renewables to get rid of fossil fuels, that’s not going to happen because it is totally infeasible.

Back in the real world, UK decarbonisation is going nowhere slowly, for example as shown by Paul Homewood’s post on the latest AR6 wind power auction: https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2024/09/03/ar6-results/ .

Stock up on popcorn, give them a bit more rope and watch them all crash and burn!

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Evil getting bolder day by day. God is real. He will allow freewill running amok, until He doesn't. Today is a great day to get right with God. Eternity hangs in the balance. Choose life!

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She sounds like someone who needs to return back to kinder, so they can have their heads screwed back in right. She's a lot cause.

"Leaders getting stuck", how about you Dixson being the one who is utterly out of touch.

Perhaps you shld show your face more in public so people can boo you with your deranged ideas. Don't worry, you and your club members are going to pay dearly by the grace of God almighty. Who would think that a woman like you would dear to hurt children and humanity with your stupid green ideas.

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