Could someone

/is someone able to do a modern replica of your spider chart with current names of those responsible for The Covid Vaccines?

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Many thanks indeed Rubin for laying all of this out so clearly - for someone like me it’s invaluable because tragically I never got the chance to study either of the World Wars at school...

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Most of this text is the Nuremberg Code itself. I only wrote the final line, but glad you found it useful nonetheless :)

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Not just where we are heading, but where we have already been with Covid!

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Hi again Ben and yes I realised that was the case!

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I highly recommend this excellent short 'Package' from The Corbett Report today, relating to yesterday's dark day in the Abbey; the evil rituals and symbolism fest of the 'predator classes' in plain sight. Also plays into this piece of yours, Ben, somewhat. Beware the Church of England. Go to our Lord direct not through any 'spiritual dealer' is my advice and is my personal happiest experience of Him. Godspeed to you all 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0/charles:87?src=embed

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