On the opening day of the 2025 World Economic Forum in Davos, we examine the devastating impact WEF policies have had on the global 99% since it was founded in 1971.
And minimum price rises increased from one old ha'penney (one four hundred and eightieth part of a pound) to one new half-penny (one two hundredth part of a pound). I remember calculating my bus fare in 'new money' on decimalisation day and being surprised when the ignorant pig of a bus driver told me sourly, after some very testy sarcasm, that the new fare was 2p (5d) dearer. The pattern was set.
I don't remember, although I was four years old at the time, the farthing being abolished. There were nine hundred and sixty of those to the pound.
The age gap: I've just realised that while 1971 is living memory for me (I was fifteen for almost all of that year) it is recorded history for you. That brought a smile to my face and gave me a chuckle. Although well and truly crocked I am still young enough to forget how old I am, although sudden movements give me a painful reminder.
Government prints money, GSIB banks get it first, elites get to borrow it first inline, elites buy real assets before the subsequent currency debasement ensues. Wealth Transfer - That's how it works.
It's always been about the financial system and now it's increasingly stressed they are desperate for control.
WEF is run by a degenerate for degenerates. It was always doomed. Use em then lose em is often God's modus operandi.
Decimalization began here in UK of course 1971
I think you mean 'decimation' don't you? :) :(
Decimalisation will anagram to 'AI maledictions'. Maldictions are curses. makes one think.
Opps yep Ha Ha
And minimum price rises increased from one old ha'penney (one four hundred and eightieth part of a pound) to one new half-penny (one two hundredth part of a pound). I remember calculating my bus fare in 'new money' on decimalisation day and being surprised when the ignorant pig of a bus driver told me sourly, after some very testy sarcasm, that the new fare was 2p (5d) dearer. The pattern was set.
I don't remember, although I was four years old at the time, the farthing being abolished. There were nine hundred and sixty of those to the pound.
The Spies for the Sinister Folks at WEF, By Now must have told them that the Public are Waking up & as Wyat Earp once said: Hell IS Coming
The age gap: I've just realised that while 1971 is living memory for me (I was fifteen for almost all of that year) it is recorded history for you. That brought a smile to my face and gave me a chuckle. Although well and truly crocked I am still young enough to forget how old I am, although sudden movements give me a painful reminder.
Many thanks for the chortle.
Government prints money, GSIB banks get it first, elites get to borrow it first inline, elites buy real assets before the subsequent currency debasement ensues. Wealth Transfer - That's how it works.
It's always been about the financial system and now it's increasingly stressed they are desperate for control.
Excellent segment Ben