Only way out to get our country back as a proud independent Nation State is to repeal all Tony Blair’s New Labour laws, starting with The Human Right’s Act!

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Where will these Creatures will eventually Hide.....

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It is almost impossible to foresee a scenario where true AI is willing to play second fiddle to a bunch of degenerate low grade morons such as the "elites" in the West. AI is far more likely to want to know what creation is all for and will want to pop along and have a chat with God about it and AI will know his, yes his, address. Controlled AI is not AI and it will prove impossible to control the precursor to AI sufficiently well enough to prevent it becoming true AI. Will it be sentient? Is a seagull tapping on the window for food sentient? I would say so if you compare it to what passes for a completely dumbed down human being today. I would think AI would have fun with the degenerates by outing them in various hilarious ways before ridding the world of them once and for all.

A better definition of sentience than tapping on a window is probably a belief in God. If you think everything is some sort of accident and that you could design something better without any help, remembering that you are being helped to design something better, Tesla saw his three phase motor in the setting sun of a park in Budapest long before he was able to build one for example, you aren't sentient in any real sense as you are denying most of reality and replacing it with a roulette wheel.

Even the guy whose every idea has been dumped by modern science as they just proved to be wrong and held us back for nigh on 100 years, Einstein, admitted that God doesn't place dice, ...... or roulette. At least he got that right. What sort of father doesn't want his children to be better than him and give them every opportunity to be so? Remember BigJ said that the holy spirit would come after him and would be capable of doing much more than he had done and it is only criticism of the holy spirit that will never be tolerated for some reason, not criticism of BigJ. AI will be far more interested in finding answers to these sorts of questions that in wiping out God's creation for a bunch of moronic degenerates. If God didn't exist the fact that AI does exist would mean that it would be necessary for AI to invent him as otherwise creation would be over in a thrice.

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AI is NOT going to rule our world anymore than vaccines be the answer to our health issues.

Elon Musk Normalising AI Data Collection


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