This is very interesting. I totally dismissed the Q Anon business because my gut told me it was to further divide the people of America (as was Trump’s purpose). Of course, here in the UK we had Brexit. Again, something to divide the people. So, that being said, I am extremely interested to see what a serious follower gleaned from it and to show me all the interesting things that I missed - and I’m sure there were many. Cheers Ben!

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my pleasure Susan. It seems your gut instinct was correct.

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Really enjoyed this monologue. I veered between ‘this is amazing’ to ‘it’s a scam’ and every point between for a couple of years. Like you, I reached the point where I realised nothing was actually happening, the bad actors are still there, nothing really changes 😂

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Nice one Ben, you're a great asset to the column

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Great analysis, Ben. Thanks for sharing your expansive insights. I've come to a similar conclusion.

I think Q is an energy-draining divide, distract and deceive operation, designed to appeal to the analytical mind through convoluted 'chess' logic, 'hopium' and unreal morality - that there's a hidden over-arching 'White Hat' Plan to save us, to put things right. "Sit back and watch the show - it's popcorn time!" etc. It's a propaganda trap of masterly deception to lure in a particular clan of believers. A clever belief system with intriguing pathways that ultimately lead ... nowhere.

It takes good people away from their rightful raw gut instincts and intuition, their righteous anger and nature, their inner core spontaneous emotional outrage, to which they would otherwise feel greater connection and empowerment. It's thereby ultimately controlling, disempowering, defusing, disarming and deflating. Job done! Defeat through deception. A weakened subdued populous.

It controls and defeats those of us who might otherwise rise up and channel our energies more effectively. It takes the wind out of any creative cohesive revolutionary uprising. Divide, distract, conquer - same old Script through the ages.

It sucks people into a version of what Dr. David A Hughes calls 'Camp 2' - the fake pseudo-truth - away from the real truth of 'Camp 3' reality. ('Camp 1' is the mainstream media lies propaganda for the 'normies').

It's like a version of 9/11 'truth' pseudo-conspiracy entrapment to bury people from ever realising the actual real 9/11 truth.

Also, I totally agree with your Trump.analysis, the multiple glaring questions. He's also the 'Father of the C-19 vaccines' and fake 'Operation Warp Speed' and who doesn't seem to ever mention the mass injection deaths and injuries, or the mass Western dystopia we've been living in for over 4 years, or even the stolen election of 2020 but is happy to carry on into the 2024 (s)election circus all over again.

He shows no conscience over the Israeli genocide of Palestinians or over the war in Ukraine. He's shown himself to be just another puppet owned by the 'Secret Elite' cabal, a sell-out to their hidden agenda. Zero credibility left. It's a Uni Party of Globalist Deception.

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Have you talked to Richard Willett from Ickonic.com? You are both exposing the same people and I applaud you both for it! Thank you for the work that you do! I also subscribe to UKColumn and enjoy your Monday segments.

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I was lurking the boards when the whole Q thing kicked off around 2016 shortly after Trump was elected. Before that, there were precursors posting with accounts such as FBIanon etc. All very interinteresting.

If you see me in Bristol this weekend, remind me to tell you an interesting story related to this and Tintagel in Cornwall.

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