Babylon the Great is Fallen
How Tony Blair is coordinating with the Rothschild family to fundamentally reshape British society and implement a global, digital slave state. Aka Possibly the most important words I've ever written.
“I-man serve Selassie-I continually. No matter what the weak heart say. And I know that I-and-I is like the tree, plant by the river of water. And not even the dog that piss against the wall of Babylon shall escape this judgement. For I-and-I know that all of the yout' shall witness the day that Babylon shall fall!” Horsemouth
All information in this article is public domain and can be easily verified. I encourage readers to do so. Please share as widely as possible.
This article builds on my recent interview with Debi Evans from UK Column about the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI) 'Future of Great Britain' conference.
Since this interview took place I've uncovered further information showing that Blair, and others, are working directly with representatives of the Rothschild family and an extensive network of third party organisations to reshape British society and undermine our democratic process.
They are doing this via UK Charity My Life My Say (MLMS), which is led by UK Labour politician Mete Coban. Coban is a regular collaborator with Blair, who has appeared at MLMS events and features prominently on the MLMS website. Coban was co-host of the TBI 'Future of Great Britain' conference. He is also a Councillor for the London Borough of Hackney, close friend of London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, and a rising star of UK left wing politics.
Based on my assessment, and as this article will explain in detail, the collective aim of this group is to overwhelm UK elections with an army of young left wing activists who've been indoctrinated with neo-Marxist ideologies and systematically lied to about the true nature of our society.
Via its Chairman, Andrew Roughan, MLMS is also directly linked to UK Government innovation lab, Plexal, where Roughan is CEO. Plexal is a strategic national asset which connects UK and international governments with our advanced technology and start-up ecosystem. This includes a recently announced partnership with the US State of Maryland.
Regular readers of this blog will know this kind of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) meets the technical definition of fascism, as set out by Mussolini:
"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” Benito Mussolini, Inventor of Fascism
Via its Trustees and Partners, MLMS is also directly linked to Alexandre de Rothschild, The US State Department, Google, the BBC, the UK Labour Party, Sadiq Khan, the British Royal Family, David Cameron, Nick Clegg and a global ecosystem of high profile individuals, corporations, government bodies and philanthropic ventures.
Blair’s website describes three ways TBI creates value for its international government clients: Strategy, Policy & Delivery. My assessment is these activities align directly to TGI (Strategy), MLMS (Policy) and Plexal (Delivery):
If my analysis is correct, then we appear to have uncovered the mechanism by which Tony Blair and his globalist corporate backers intend to force their policies into British society.
This is social engineering on an industrial scale and it poses a fundamental threat to the integrity of the Nation.
I do not write those words lightly.
A ‘Theory of Change’ to radically transform Britain
MLMS has been active since 2013 and formally registered as a charity in 2016.
It describes itself as a “youth-led, non-partisan movement on a mission to change the culture of democracy and get every single young person voting… working together with international leaders, (to) equip our generation with confidence and skills to lead change in their communities and across the globe.“
They intend to achieve this using a three-step Theory of Change:
Step one: Creating space for conversations about social and political issues
This is achieved via 'Democracy Cafes' hosted in Starbucks locations around the UK. These have reached over 40,000 young people, with 80% being outside London in places like Aberdeen, Blackburn, Derry Cardiff and Portsmouth.
MLMS also hosts the Common Futures Forum (CFF), which describes itself as the UK's largest youth summit. CFF was launched by London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, in 2018 and has been formally endorsed by the United Nations, US State Department and the European Commission.
According to its own promotional literature, CFF is heavily influenced by two organisations: Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Fridays For Future (FFF).
BLM is a high-profile American activist group which uses highly-charged neo-Marxist rhetoric and activism to exert control over Western societies. It is backed by an extensive list of global corporations, including many World Economic Forum (WEF) Partners, and ‘philanthropists’ such as George Soros.
FFF is the charity founded by teenage climate agitator Greta Thunberg. The organisation has also been linked to George Soros and is focused on disruptive activism relating to climate change and Net Zero.
This tells us the conversations being curated by MLMS have a very clear, neo-Marxist ideological perspective rooted in theories such as Racial Equity and Social Justice.
These theories are incompatible with free Western societies and present a direct threat to our way of life.
For an explanation of how Marxist activists have (confusingly) aligned with the interests of global corporations I highly recommend this excellent presentation by James Lindsay, which he recently gave to the European Commission (28 minutes). TL/DW Marxist theory doesn’t work in free Western societies, so the Left decided to work with the bosses instead.
Step two: Building 'The Squad'
MLMS creates groups activists as part of a national network designed to lead political and social conversations in communities around the UK. They are particularly focused on recruiting young women from recent immigrant communities.
The term 'The Squad' appears to be an homage to the group of 8 US Democrat politicians including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib who use the same name.
All of these congressional representatives come from the hard left wing of US politics.
Step three - Getting every single young person to vote
MLMS is using its national activist network to encourage young people around the UK to register to vote. In 2021 they added 85,000 young people to the electoral register on a single day and connected with 565,000 people directly on social media.
This is clearly a powerful and well run operation that could have a disruptive force in the upcoming UK General Election.
Mete Coban was awarded an MBE for this work in 2021 which confirms his activities have the full blessing of the British Establishment, including the Royal Family.
In combination, these steps are being used by MLMS to create a highly-engaged army of left-wing activists with the aim of overwhelming the UK democratic process and fundamentally reshaping our society.
None of this is okay.
Who are the MLMS Trustees?
This is where things start to get really interesting.
The first thing to note is that although Trustees are listed on the MLMS website, they are only presented with a name and headshot without further details of each individual’s background or other affiliations.
When you fill in the blanks it becomes clear why:
Rothschild? BBC? UK Labour??
Do my eyes deceive me?
Dear reader, they do not.
Andrew Roughan - Chair of Trustees
MLMS Chair of Trustees is Andrew Roughan.
Roughan is also Chief Executive of UK Government-backed innovation lab, Plexal. This important strategic national asset is part of the legacy of the London 2012 Olympic Games. It is a key interaction point between UK and global governments and our advanced technology and start-up ecosystem.
Much of the work carried out at Plexal relates to the use of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), which are being heavily promoted by Tony Blair. As described in my interview with UK Column, AI is one of the most powerful tools available to global ‘elites’ to reshape human society for their own benefit.
MLMS is also based at Plexal’s East London HQ on the Olympic Park, Stratford.
Glen Manning
Now this is a biggie.
To be honest, I almost fell off my chair when I saw it.
Glen Manning is a senior banker with Rothschild & Co. In 2021 he became Portfolio Advisor to R&Co4Generations, a Rothschild philanthropic fund whose stated aim is to accelerate delivery of 6 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
R&Co4Generations is personally overseen from Paris by Alexandre de Rothschild, Executive Chairman of Rothschild & Co:
This means Blair et al are working directly with the Rothschilds.
Conspiracy theorists, please take a bow.
Harjeet Sahota
Another biggie.
Sahota is Head of External Relations and Stakeholders at the UK Labour Party.
This means a senior serving member of one of the leading UK political parties is in direct coordination with a Rothschild-linked programme to fundamentally reshape British society.
Please read that sentence again a couple of times.
It’s extremely important.
It’s also interesting to note use of the word Stakeholder in Sahota’s job title. This likely refers to the World Economic Forum (WEF) concept of Stakeholder Capitalism which is being promoted as part of the WEF Great Reset agenda.
Swarzy Macaly
Macaly is a prominent media personality, with regular shows on BBC 1Xtra and KISS Radio. She helped host the recent TBI ‘Future of Great Britain’ conference, is prominently featured on the homepage of the TBI website and has made numerous films and radio broadcasts promoting concepts such as Racial Equity and Social Justice.
Cecile Laval
Laval is Head of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Greenwich.
Lennox Ohemeng-Antwi
This man has no digital footprint. This is highly unusual, given his age and position.
Joanne Rich
This woman has no digital footprint. Also highly unusual, given her age and position.
In summary, the MLMS board of Trustees includes a senior UK Civil Servant leading a strategically significant digital innovation lab; a senior employee of the UK Labour Party; a high-profile BBC presenter and a representative of a Rothschild family ‘philanthropic’ fund focused on delivering 6 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
This information is being deliberately obscured from public view.
Tony Blair is working with this group to reshape British society and overwhelm our democratic process.
None of this is acceptable.
Who are the MLMS Partners?
Just as interesting as its Trustees, is the list of MLMS Partners, who represent a bewildering array of corporate, government and social interests:
United States Embassy, London
The involvement of the US State Department, of which the London US Embassy is part, can only be interpreted as direct American interference in our political system.
This could well be an attempt to spark a ‘colour revolution’ in the same vein as those instigated in e.g. Ukraine and Georgia in the early 2000s.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation
Paul Hamlyn was a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany who came to this country in 1933 and built one of our largest publishing companies.
His charitable foundation promotes mass migration and the radical transformation of British society.
Turkish Airlines
It is unclear why Turkish Airlines is a MLMS Partner. It may be a purely opportunistic move motivated by Mete Coban’s personal background.
Let me know if you have any ideas…
One Young World
A global non-profit focused on “empowering and developing young leaders to build a fair, sustainable future for all.”
Oh my God, it’s Trudeau. And Bob Geldof. What a nightmare.
One Young World also hosted the Common Futures Forum for MLMS and is hosting its 2023 conference in Belfast in October.
National Citizens Service
A UK Government funded non-profit organisation, launched in 2009 by then Prime Minister David Cameron as part of the Liberal-Conservative (Lib-Con) coalition ‘Big Society’ initiative. Its stated aim is to “help young people grow their strengths.”
David Cameron, now a lobbyist for American genomics company Illumina, continues to serve as Chair of the NCS Board of Trustees.
Mayor of London
London’s highly divisive mayor, Sadiq Khan, has formally aligned his office with MLMS. This in addition to his personal endorsement and hosting of the inaugural CFF event at City Hall in 2018.
UK Youth
With an open network of over 8000 youth organisations and national partners, UK Youth is focused on unlocking youth work as a catalyst of societal change.
The charity Patron is HRH The Princess Royal, Princess Anne.
Once again the British Royals have placed their Patronage on the activities of MLMS and its collaborators and provided direct access to a powerful national network for change. It’s clear where their loyalties lie, and it’s not with the British people.
Berggruen Institute
A California-based think tank that works to address global governance issues. Founded and led by Nicholas Beggruen, pictured here with former US Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, at a BBC World Service backed event in 2019.
The Berggruen Institute is focused on “Great Transformations in the human condition, brought for example by climate change, restructuring of global economics and politics, and advances in science and technology.”
They invest up to $200m a time into projects which accelerate their goals.
This is extremely sinister stuff.
The final MLMS Partner is a new media organisation focused on ‘slow news’. Tortoise presents itself as a ‘fair and balanced’ alternative voice focused on countering online ‘misinformation’. Basically they really don’t want you reading this Substack :)
Tortoise is funded by a bewildering array of global corporations:
A few of my favourite on this list include:
EY, BCG, Deloitte and Capgemini who are all WEF Strategic Partners and targets of our recent letter-writing campaign.
Genomics England and The Church of England, who as regular readers will know know are united by their shared passion for experimenting on human embryos.
I will be writing much more on MLMS Parters as they each demand greater scrutiny than I’m able to provide here without overwhelming your inboxes.
None of this is ok.
In summary, Tony Blair and others, are working directly with representatives of the Rothschild family and an extensive network of third party organisations to radically transform British society and undermine our democratic process.
Blair is doing this via his own Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, UK Charity My Life My Say, led by Mete Coban, and its Chair, Andrew Roughan, who runs UK Government Innovation lab, Plexal.
Through Trustee and Partner relationships, this group is directly collaborating with Alexandre de Rothschild, The US State Department, Google, the BBC, the UK Labour Party, Sadiq Khan, the British Royal Family, David Cameron, Nick Clegg, David Lammy and a global ecosystem of high profile individuals, corporations, government bodies and philanthropic ventures.
These people are collectively shaping the future direction of our nation and warping the minds of our young people to achieve their totalitarian ends.
Not a single part of this is remotely acceptable.
And all of us here now need to do something about it.
Because, mark my words, the establishment is going to take care of its own.
Shout it from the rooftops people.
This one really needs to be heard far and wide.
Love, from London.
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"And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lighted with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and the hold of every foul spirit, and cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich with the abundance of her delicacies." Revelation 18:1-3
“Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.” Q
Meghan Markel second row in the picture of “one young world” has been a councillor for the organisation since 2014.
This cement my idea that the me it saga was a story to distract the public from the nefarious activity of the Royal Family.
I would prefer neo-fascism/neo-Malthusian rather than the Marxist trope because none of those you mention are in the least bit interested in 'to each according to their need'. This is corporatocracy top down with paid for shills in politics, as you say the amalgam as outlined by Mussolini in his '33 speech in Rome (where he disavowed Marxism). The foundation money (why does war criminal Blair need a foundation? Because those who have the iron pyrites make the rules! Doesn't mean you have to follow them...) from Europe and the US have decided on too many 'useless eaters' as a concept... they don't understand Malthus or much else TBH... and now the rest of the world has seen their moment to shift the paradigm.
At the start of the scamdemic I did a deep dive into the foundations... at that time in the memos or articles of Rockers/Packard/Gates etc. depopulation was stated as an objective, Georgia guidestones?, but as we all know eugenics has a long history with particular interest at the turn of the century in the anglosphere which was then exported over to the well financed Nazis of Germany. Those documents are somewhat harder to find now, as one would expect. But with my own eyes...
It appears to me that the old colonialists are in the midst of being hoisted by their own petard... Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. But, it makes interesting times for us plebs.