They had me at Gates Foundation, TIME Magazine and The United Nations...NOT.
I think I prefer the chick from the WEF, the one who talks about torturing with brain implants. She discusses her work with a compulsive grin, shows a real pride and delight in the grisly details. Gimme an old time villain like this over those sanctimonious, posturing Dandelions.
I haven't seen that before: it seems that psychopaths also lack the ability to understand that in the digital, instant mass communication age reliable confidentiality is a thing of the past.
There are some occupations that are disproportionately attractive to psychopaths and I have long been certain, without any 'peer reviewed studies'* to offer in evidence, that 'science' is one of them. One of their advantages over us is their incontinent lust for inflicting suffering, torture and savage death on an unsuspecting population that thinks treating them similarly is uncivilised. Anyone with some understanding of history is aware that the most civilised societies preserved themselves by dealing ruthlessly with anyone who attacked them - weakness is not a virtue.
I live in hope that the 'vaccines' are going to remove the docile, the compliant and the superficial from the gene pool. The problems for the those who survive are going to be the redoubled malign attentions of the psychopaths on the dissenters and the genetic pollution the sheep have leached into the environment every living thing must live in.
*What a meaningless because misleading phrase that is.
I tend to refer to science as scienciness these days. It has to do with stuff like Elon's roadster sliding by Earth in sexy showroom conditions (shade provided by space trees, with little space birdies in the branches to take photos). The ISS (or International Spray Salon) still hasn't perfected that nice flowing bouncy hair you get on vomit I think that's more sciency than science.
Scienciness doesn't cost much, either in effort or money. So I do wonder where those massive budgets go. Admittedly, sometimes they have actually tried hard to make stuff (look up "incendiary bat bombs"), but I do have to wonder if CERN isn't just a portal for gobbling money.
Well, there is such a thing as science. Maybe they'll bring it back. They brought back vinyl records, didn't they?
My reply has not appeared - my fault I assume. It basically made the point that science has done nothing more for us than to reduce us to the same degree of self destructive slavery as every other religion and everything that has contributed materially to our success as a species was invented, devised, developed or discovered long before there were any scientists to work their magic on us.
... 'Catfights over handbags and tears in the toilets. When this producer launched a women-only TV company she thought she'd kissed goodbye to conflict... '
The good thing is that the only centralised control systems that work are those where the persons at the top don't know they are at the top and these women you speak of know they are atop these control grids so they are doomed by that well trodden phrase "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
These women structures have another huge weakness that men made structures don't and that is the well known and completely true observation that men in a team can be beating the verbal crap out of one another in the morning and working effectively together again in the afternoon and so different ideas get a hearing and the men raising issues are often considered as important by the rest of the group as they can often save effort for everyone by pointing out flaws that the others hadn't considered. In my experience woman dominated teams don't work like this but are more likely to be a form of my way or the highway and so corruption of the whole group can set in far more readily.
Who can forget the story of Hilary Clinton when she was secretary of state I think it was, supposedly the third most powerful person on the planet at the time, sending a truly grovelling apology to the non-entity that is Lynne de Rothschild because she couldn't attend one of her tea parties. Or her grovelling on camera in front of AIPAC a foreign government's anti-American mouthpiece in the US. Clearly she knew that if she didn't comply with even the tiniest whim of these people she would be out on her ear. That showed me there was a definite female dynamic going on there and that female dynamic is why so few women like working for women bosses. Look at how many women left the employ of cackling Harris for the same reasons.
The only incorruptible system I know of is God's kingdom as God must believe in God ergo he can never know that he has ultimate power ergo his subconscious shall make sure he never finds out who he is. Somewhere back in the good book God was asked what the end times would be like and he replied simply, Overturn, Overturn, Overturn. ..... That is overturn all the societies and systems and all your ideas about everything including God being omnipotent and no-one knowing more than him for it is expedient for him not to know who he is in order to have an incorruptible everlasting kingdom just as it is expedient for all of us to know who he is.
What sort of father doesn't want his children to be better than himself and to know more than he can know? A small imperfection, a small price to pay for a perfect eternity. They do say that planned imperfection is perfection for it doesn't challenge God's perfection and God believing in God understands that. He has given us the tools and sadly it is the tea party girls that are preventing everyone benefiting because as we know they love to be atop of the world instead of helping raise it up to where it was always planned to be as he does tirelessly.
Hi Ben, I've learned a lot from your work and found it valuable - but can I ask you to refrain from lumping all women into a single category ('female of the species...'). I think you'd find that what you're reporting on is troubling to a lot of women, too.
Explain? That involves considerable expenditure of time and effort on my part for no possible benefit to me. That notwithstanding, that you need an explanation of what is self-evident suggests you could not understand or accept it, and those who know what I meant do not need one.
I know that men using reasoned argument to win an exchange with a woman is considered 'abusive' by feminists, however, I would just invite you to consider whether or not your assumption that Mr Rubin necessarily included you in his general remarks might reasonably be taken to suggest that you think of yourself in that way.
As a final word, in my experience, in most things all women are like that.
They had me at Gates Foundation, TIME Magazine and The United Nations...NOT.
I think I prefer the chick from the WEF, the one who talks about torturing with brain implants. She discusses her work with a compulsive grin, shows a real pride and delight in the grisly details. Gimme an old time villain like this over those sanctimonious, posturing Dandelions.
yes she’s quite a treat isn’t she
I haven't seen that before: it seems that psychopaths also lack the ability to understand that in the digital, instant mass communication age reliable confidentiality is a thing of the past.
There are some occupations that are disproportionately attractive to psychopaths and I have long been certain, without any 'peer reviewed studies'* to offer in evidence, that 'science' is one of them. One of their advantages over us is their incontinent lust for inflicting suffering, torture and savage death on an unsuspecting population that thinks treating them similarly is uncivilised. Anyone with some understanding of history is aware that the most civilised societies preserved themselves by dealing ruthlessly with anyone who attacked them - weakness is not a virtue.
I live in hope that the 'vaccines' are going to remove the docile, the compliant and the superficial from the gene pool. The problems for the those who survive are going to be the redoubled malign attentions of the psychopaths on the dissenters and the genetic pollution the sheep have leached into the environment every living thing must live in.
*What a meaningless because misleading phrase that is.
I tend to refer to science as scienciness these days. It has to do with stuff like Elon's roadster sliding by Earth in sexy showroom conditions (shade provided by space trees, with little space birdies in the branches to take photos). The ISS (or International Spray Salon) still hasn't perfected that nice flowing bouncy hair you get on vomit I think that's more sciency than science.
Scienciness doesn't cost much, either in effort or money. So I do wonder where those massive budgets go. Admittedly, sometimes they have actually tried hard to make stuff (look up "incendiary bat bombs"), but I do have to wonder if CERN isn't just a portal for gobbling money.
Well, there is such a thing as science. Maybe they'll bring it back. They brought back vinyl records, didn't they?
you had me at International Spray Salon.. hilarious :)
My reply has not appeared - my fault I assume. It basically made the point that science has done nothing more for us than to reduce us to the same degree of self destructive slavery as every other religion and everything that has contributed materially to our success as a species was invented, devised, developed or discovered long before there were any scientists to work their magic on us.
Read "influence" as "propagandize" all women everywhere!
Some time ago but ...
... 'Catfights over handbags and tears in the toilets. When this producer launched a women-only TV company she thought she'd kissed goodbye to conflict... '
The good thing is that the only centralised control systems that work are those where the persons at the top don't know they are at the top and these women you speak of know they are atop these control grids so they are doomed by that well trodden phrase "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
These women structures have another huge weakness that men made structures don't and that is the well known and completely true observation that men in a team can be beating the verbal crap out of one another in the morning and working effectively together again in the afternoon and so different ideas get a hearing and the men raising issues are often considered as important by the rest of the group as they can often save effort for everyone by pointing out flaws that the others hadn't considered. In my experience woman dominated teams don't work like this but are more likely to be a form of my way or the highway and so corruption of the whole group can set in far more readily.
Who can forget the story of Hilary Clinton when she was secretary of state I think it was, supposedly the third most powerful person on the planet at the time, sending a truly grovelling apology to the non-entity that is Lynne de Rothschild because she couldn't attend one of her tea parties. Or her grovelling on camera in front of AIPAC a foreign government's anti-American mouthpiece in the US. Clearly she knew that if she didn't comply with even the tiniest whim of these people she would be out on her ear. That showed me there was a definite female dynamic going on there and that female dynamic is why so few women like working for women bosses. Look at how many women left the employ of cackling Harris for the same reasons.
The only incorruptible system I know of is God's kingdom as God must believe in God ergo he can never know that he has ultimate power ergo his subconscious shall make sure he never finds out who he is. Somewhere back in the good book God was asked what the end times would be like and he replied simply, Overturn, Overturn, Overturn. ..... That is overturn all the societies and systems and all your ideas about everything including God being omnipotent and no-one knowing more than him for it is expedient for him not to know who he is in order to have an incorruptible everlasting kingdom just as it is expedient for all of us to know who he is.
What sort of father doesn't want his children to be better than himself and to know more than he can know? A small imperfection, a small price to pay for a perfect eternity. They do say that planned imperfection is perfection for it doesn't challenge God's perfection and God believing in God understands that. He has given us the tools and sadly it is the tea party girls that are preventing everyone benefiting because as we know they love to be atop of the world instead of helping raise it up to where it was always planned to be as he does tirelessly.
Hi Ben, I've learned a lot from your work and found it valuable - but can I ask you to refrain from lumping all women into a single category ('female of the species...'). I think you'd find that what you're reporting on is troubling to a lot of women, too.
The truth hurts?
Truth? Explain.
Explain? That involves considerable expenditure of time and effort on my part for no possible benefit to me. That notwithstanding, that you need an explanation of what is self-evident suggests you could not understand or accept it, and those who know what I meant do not need one.
I know that men using reasoned argument to win an exchange with a woman is considered 'abusive' by feminists, however, I would just invite you to consider whether or not your assumption that Mr Rubin necessarily included you in his general remarks might reasonably be taken to suggest that you think of yourself in that way.
As a final word, in my experience, in most things all women are like that.
This thread is ended as far as I am concerned.