Connected Women Leaders (CWL) describes itself as a 'network of networks'. It brings together high-powered, exceptionally well-connected women from the worlds of business, politics and culture to progress the drive towards global fascism. CWL is the source of Project Dandelion, which I covered in last week’s report.
From what I can work out, CWL appears to be the most elevated and powerful group of publicly visible female leaders in the global establishment. It sits at the nexus of a global web of corruption that touches on every single area of society.
Members include senior leaders from an astonishing range of organisations, including many of those I’ve reported on over the past 18 months. Including Apolitical Foundation, Vital Voices, The Gates Foundation, TIME Magazine, The United Nations, E3G and many others.
Not mentioned in the report, is this image I uncovered on the CWL website which shows how Project Dandelion’s centralised command and control model works in the background to influence funding, leadership and grassroots action in every society on earth:
Without putting too fine a point on it, who the hell do these women think they are? And let us not forget, the female of the species is more deadly than the male.
More to follow. Once you start pulling on these threads, the entire structure falls to pieces.
From London.
Ben Rubin
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