Hi Ben, I was one of your first subscribers on Telegram and have watched your meteoric rise with interest and gratitude. As a fan of UK Column News for the last decade, I was so pleased that they have taken you onto their team. I’ve been on my own journey with some big surprises too. In the last 3 weeks I have done a couple of podcasts on Forest of the Fallen. I am attaching the latest one which was done on Thursday last week, and has gained quite a lot of attention. It is a message which is still hard to get out, but it must be exposed before further damage is done. In Australia we have been heavily vaccinated with covid injections, and are now reaping the tragic results of this. Best wishes and please know you have a committed fan of both your work and the UK Column News. Rosie. https://rumble.com/v4n9gd3-rosemary-marshall-interview-forest-of-the-fallen-live-thurs-april-4-at-2pm-.html

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James Delingpole deleted my (and others’) comments on his Substack account for daring to question his belief that the vapour trails seen developing behind the engines of airliners are ‘chem’ trails. Whether you subscribe to this belief or not, it is shocking to note that James Delingpole, this self proclaimed champion of free speech will not hesitate to censor the opinions of others he disagrees with!

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I'm no fan of Delingpole, but it is not an offence against free speech to refuse someone a platform on his own channel , for any reason he chooses, however arbitrary - it's his house, his rules. As long as he does nothing to prevent you from starting your own channel, or contributing to platforms where your views are more welcome, then he is within his rights, and has not violated yours in any way at all.

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You should make clear that contrails only appear above 27,000 feet. Any trails below this altitude are NOT contrails and therefore can be considered chemtrails/geo-engineering.

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Really? 27000 feet? So air temperature and moisture content at that altitude are uniform all over the Earth whatever the season and time of day? That is as ridiculous as the notion 6 feet between people will stop transmission of the non-existent Covid 19 ‘virus.’

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And your ‘10 seconds of research’ has produced 3 different figures which proves my point.

Life is short Steve, wishing you well in whatever you choose to believe or not believe.

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I go with the 27,000+ figure as fact because I trust an experienced relative more than the Met Office and wikipedia. All I did was show you the range of figures around this subject.

You never had a point in the first place other than to argue in bad faith about what you clearly know nothing about and could have at least availed yourself with having done a simple search, that yes, took no more than 10 seconds. Goodbye.

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ABOVE, as in 27,000 +. Different flights, different altitudes. Fly more.

The rest of your reply was false equivalence.

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And still you persist with this ridiculous and arbitrary figure of 27000.

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https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/learn-about/weather/types-of-weather/clouds/other-clouds/contrails says 20,000+

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrail says 25,000+

A relative who's a pilot says from his experience it's 27,000+. The first two you could've found yourself if you'd been bothered to do 10 seconds of research.

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Probably because you are being ridiculous in suggesting that geo engineering does not exist. Not only can you see it with your own eyes, but it is documented in many gov. places.

In the US the state of Tennessee has ruled (successfully) for it to be banned.

Instead of questioning someones "beliefs" and telling them so it would be easy to look up the info yourself and see it does indeed happen in the UK or you could stick your head out the window and look up on a clear day and see with your own eyes.

If you cant be bothered to do that but can be bothered to write here to tell everyone, you should indeed be banned from a common sense debate.

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I did not and do not deny different types of geo engineering have been going on, it is well documented with plenty of evidence. I was quite specific. The trails that develop behind aircraft engines at high altitude are vapour or condensation (whichever term you prefer) that is created by the hot exhaust gases freezing. Nothing more, nothing less.

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I was very specific as well. You are literally repeating what it would say if I typed in google (owned by youtube and controlled by the government, both of whom you say are censoring truthful info) "are chemtrails real"? .

I was merely suggesting that repeating the lies that the government tells you is worth censoring on a free thinking medium as then we dont have to bother wasting time and engaging with people who could be a troll.

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And you also missed the important point ‘Fat Joe’ that Delingpole is behaving just like governments and tech companies in silencing opinions that they don’t agree with.

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I didn't miss it 'Ian McCausland', I understood it.

You missed my point if anything. Delingpole "censoring" a comment about something is not quite the same a the government censoring.

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Delingpole manifests the same mentality as the govt. Granted he is not my enemy but he is a distraction and his ridiculous ‘beliefs’ will only alienate the silent majority. I subscribe to his friend Toby Young’s (Free Speech Union founder) idea that Delingpole does this to favour the Q-tards and Truth Juice cult followers of which there are many.

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He believes Toby is a gov plant now.

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Can I ask you to search for and watch the Richard Vobes interview with 2 pilots on youtube who explain the logistics of UK chemtrails ?

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Are you aware of Blairs T4 programme, the privatised children's care system?

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I wasn't, are you able to share some links?

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Once again, thank you Ben for this recap on all your gems of wisdom in this World of Tech

and Private Public Corporatism or perhaps otherwise known as Cronyist Capitalism?!…for someone who has had to fight the appalling and failed NHS system for years with two unwell family members, what I’d find really helpful and uplifting is if you could do one on Suggested Solutions for an alternative health system in The U.K. and how as a lay person I/We could begin to join forces to eventually help bring this about? and bring about the downfall of The Corrupt, beyond dangerous and totally Unfit For Purpose NHS.

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I am sorry but not surprised to hear about your fight with the incompetent NHS. I have had my own issues with it in recent years and came to understand how bad it really is.

We don't actually need much of what passes for health care and could do without much of the NHS. Investing in good nutrition and improving life style and environment would go a long way to improve general health.

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N.B. and give some examples of current countries in The World to try and emulate/re-model our health systems on - e.g. Singapore/Australia/Germany?

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I remember your Delingpole podcast from last year - it was so insightful on how governments and corporations work in lockstep and connected so many dots for me - and I shared it far and wide. Thank you and keep up the good work!

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Hi Ben - thanks for what you are doing from Australia.

Here is my latest Rap track about New Normal stuff


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Thanks For your excellent work Ben.👌

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I totally agree with what you say and am sorry too that you are yet another victim of their incompetence or to be cynical, (as Ben Rubin has clearly stated) intentional poor healthcare to make us sick/even more sick with the outcome of more and more dependence on ‘their system’ and the pharmaceutical companies…😢😢 - however, where the diet etc…argument falls down is that in both my family cases, the issues were clear cut ones of one needed a life or death heart operation at 18 months that no diet or lifestyle/environment would have been able to solve and the other suddenly triggered the beginnings of an autoimmune terminal illness in their early seventies, which with all the ‘best will in the world’ even if it could have been attempted to be foreseen or predicted/prevented, once it has been triggered and set in, a supposedly 1st World country should have top adequate care to do their level best to treat.

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I hadn’t watched your podcast in its entirety when I wrote the below comment. Thank you for this incredible talk. I will be sharing it widely as what you describe is happening here too. 15 minute cities, quarantine, all the horrors of the last 4 years are still waiting to be reinvigorated. Just want to congratulate you on your work and thank you again.

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Are those LPs behind you?

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Good work Ben, keep it up!

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Thank you Ben, I am very grateful for what you shine a light on. Bless you.

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PS I am banned from commenting on Delingpole’s Substack account for 5 days.

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The Goyim now know Ben.

The Goyim know and name the jew

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