Ben, keep on keeping on mate.

I have been through the 'all music is demonic' thing. I have abandoned that after years of listening to Thomas Sheridan (well known to AV & UKC). Those songs were a soundtrack to my life, many hold great memories and yes as a normie it was hedonistic and escapism from the daily grind. I do not idolise the bands or artists anymore. It is magic and perhaps black magic.

Darkside of the Moon and Talk Talk are still a staple along with Trance music.

James is a bit too much of a 'truufer' for me. I also have little time for the Church after C19 and consider religion to be just as much a mechanism of thought control as any nudge unit.

Judge folk by their deeds and not their words.

Keep that hope shining brightly fella, it suits you.

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There is a way that we can become self sufficient in food, our coastline is enormous and it should be managed naturally.

Ben , you need to look into prof Michael Crawford. He has been telling the UK government to do this for decades and has had success in Asia.

Managing our wild lands properly will also provide food. The Earth is abundant

Anyway a link for you Ben, watch it , he’s super interested and super sharp for someone in their nineties.


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Really interested to see what happens with the Pattern initiatives - sounds like there’s so much potential there. I commend you on your 'can do' attitude; it’s very infectious. Keep up the good work!

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