UK Government has handed responsibility for defining the country's 2050 vision to Apolitical Foundation. This is a stunning admission of outright failure. The entire Civil Service should resign.
My late father-in-law, a brilliant (and supremely arrogant) barrister, used to refer to these types as “too stupid to know that they’re stupid”.
And stupid they are, compared to the complexity of the world in which they live. No doubt there were many “bright” people in the room, but did they not answer why it is necessary for Britain to have a collective vision that everyone would agree with. And why, other than hubris, do they think that they are the ones who should drive it?
What’s more, their earnest raised-eyebrows “what can we do to stop the sky falling on our heads?” tone is old-hat and has been grating for some time.
I take comfort from your recent conversation with Will Keyte about the English constitution. These persons do not understand natural law and the will fail against the onslaught of the real world.
God's classroom monitors! Snitches and tell-tale types all! --- Wel you can keep your visions, lady! We're not interested! In fact, how's about you all just mind your own f***g business! ---What's that? You haven't GOT any business! But of course! ----The devil makes work for idle hands - and here they are "Satan's little helpers" (Actually, I copyright that phrase as of this moment! Nov 27. 17.38pm 😎)
Thank you Ben. Open Society Foundations was mentioned. Single longest anagram word is 'pseudoaconitine', an extremely toxic alkaloid. A phrase is
- of stony pseudoaconitine
As to Nicholas Patrick Carter, his full name, we can have:
- Cop charlatanries trick
- KC satanical PR rhetoric
- Er antichrist crap cloak
And because it is amusing
- Alsatian crotch pricker
As to Apolitical Foundation, excuse me but how is it not political??? It says on its website "Restoring hope in political leadership when we need it most."
Apolitical means 'not political'. I see it is based in Germany. Germany being deceitful as usual then. They still want to rule the world and sod the UK. Bunch of nutters. A lot of Bad, mad people.
Treason is defined in the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3, as consisting "only in levying War against (the United States), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
All members of the American military take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (and to) bear true faith and allegiance to the same."
When the military is committed to foreign actions without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution, that is a violation of the Constitution, arguably the action of domestic enemies.
When a member of the military participates in an unconstitutional foreign military deployment, s/he violates both the Constitution and his/her oath to "support and defend" it, giving "aid and comfort" to it's "domestic enemies," committing treason by the definition given by the Constitution.
The whole idea is ludicrous, especially as most of it is centred on scams like the Covid “plandemic” and the climate change hoax. The reality in 10 years, never mind 25 years, is that we will more likely be struggling to keep the lights on and keep warm in the cold phase of the verboten-to-mention Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (previous cold phase was the 1960-70s).
According to demography historian Neil Howe, author of “The Fourth Turning”, the USA, and possibly the world is currently in the fourth or crisis phase of a centuries-old pattern of cycles, each one lasting roughly eighty to one hundred years, the length of a long human life, with each cycle composed of four eras—or “turnings”—that always arrive in the same order and each last about twenty years. If Trump survives it looks as if he will turn things around big time in the USA. These people from Apolitical are p*ssing in the wind against such forces.
My late father-in-law, a brilliant (and supremely arrogant) barrister, used to refer to these types as “too stupid to know that they’re stupid”.
And stupid they are, compared to the complexity of the world in which they live. No doubt there were many “bright” people in the room, but did they not answer why it is necessary for Britain to have a collective vision that everyone would agree with. And why, other than hubris, do they think that they are the ones who should drive it?
What’s more, their earnest raised-eyebrows “what can we do to stop the sky falling on our heads?” tone is old-hat and has been grating for some time.
I take comfort from your recent conversation with Will Keyte about the English constitution. These persons do not understand natural law and the will fail against the onslaught of the real world.
alternatively, educated enough to think themselves intelligent and lacking the humility to consider the alternative
Fuck you and your globalists experiments!!!
God's classroom monitors! Snitches and tell-tale types all! --- Wel you can keep your visions, lady! We're not interested! In fact, how's about you all just mind your own f***g business! ---What's that? You haven't GOT any business! But of course! ----The devil makes work for idle hands - and here they are "Satan's little helpers" (Actually, I copyright that phrase as of this moment! Nov 27. 17.38pm 😎)
I am amused to hear so many words spoken but saying virtually nothing. Do these people get paid for all this vague clap trap? Amazing.
Thank you Ben. Open Society Foundations was mentioned. Single longest anagram word is 'pseudoaconitine', an extremely toxic alkaloid. A phrase is
- of stony pseudoaconitine
As to Nicholas Patrick Carter, his full name, we can have:
- Cop charlatanries trick
- KC satanical PR rhetoric
- Er antichrist crap cloak
And because it is amusing
- Alsatian crotch pricker
As to Apolitical Foundation, excuse me but how is it not political??? It says on its website "Restoring hope in political leadership when we need it most."
Apolitical means 'not political'. I see it is based in Germany. Germany being deceitful as usual then. They still want to rule the world and sod the UK. Bunch of nutters. A lot of Bad, mad people.
bad and mad is correct
I hate the word, "Collectively"! Ot screams Marxism!
Treason is defined in the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3, as consisting "only in levying War against (the United States), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
All members of the American military take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (and to) bear true faith and allegiance to the same."
When the military is committed to foreign actions without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution, that is a violation of the Constitution, arguably the action of domestic enemies.
When a member of the military participates in an unconstitutional foreign military deployment, s/he violates both the Constitution and his/her oath to "support and defend" it, giving "aid and comfort" to it's "domestic enemies," committing treason by the definition given by the Constitution.
The whole idea is ludicrous, especially as most of it is centred on scams like the Covid “plandemic” and the climate change hoax. The reality in 10 years, never mind 25 years, is that we will more likely be struggling to keep the lights on and keep warm in the cold phase of the verboten-to-mention Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (previous cold phase was the 1960-70s).
According to demography historian Neil Howe, author of “The Fourth Turning”, the USA, and possibly the world is currently in the fourth or crisis phase of a centuries-old pattern of cycles, each one lasting roughly eighty to one hundred years, the length of a long human life, with each cycle composed of four eras—or “turnings”—that always arrive in the same order and each last about twenty years. If Trump survives it looks as if he will turn things around big time in the USA. These people from Apolitical are p*ssing in the wind against such forces.
handing over power from individual nation/states, to global entities?
Welp, sure they are all super vaxxed, therefore about to develop myocarditis.
i wouldn't be surprised if many of them aren't. I seem to remember a list of 11,000 NZ politicians and civil servants who opted out...