

UK Government has handed responsibility for defining the country's 2050 vision to Apolitical Foundation. This is a stunning admission of outright failure. The entire Civil Service should resign.

UK Column News segment from 25 November.

Building on previous reports into Apolitical Foundation, Daniel Sachs and the global ecosystem of political and economic forces working to subvert and destroy the Nation State.

It’s now been revealed that UK Government has handed responsibility for defining the country's 2050 vision to Apolitical Foundation: a private organisation backed by global investments funds, and led by three Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum.

This is a stunning admission of failure and a total dereliction of duty by those who’ve been charged with running the country.

The entire Civil service should resign.

British citizens: stop what you’re doing and pay close attention to what’s happening here. Our future depends on it.

What an absolute disgrace.


Further viewing:

One of the top-level players in the global progressive establishment has just handed National leaders their marching orders. Now you know their game plan. What will you do about it?

How two Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum are leading efforts across more than 170 countries to subvert sovereign Nations and implement a single system of global governance.

From perfidious Albion.

Veritas omnia vincit.

Ben Rubin

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