Anyone, who after the last 4 years, still thinks they will find anything other than a slow death in products from Big Pharma, deserves everything they are going to get. Now...I know how that sounds. It makes me sound like a heartless bastard, which I can assure you I am not. The thing is, You can try as hard as like being nice to people to try to warn them of what is happening and it gets you nowhere. I find the best solution is just to say "All that shit is killing you, they are killing you, they hate you, I am not going to argue with you or provide you with any evidence as all the evidence you need is staring you in the face. If you choose not to see it, i can't help you".

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Well said. If they can't see it, then they dig their own grave.

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I was talking to a new guy at work yesterday, we were chewing the fat about the last 4 years. He mentioned that he knew 2 people that died of "covid" in hospital on ventilators and that it was a really bad disease. He also told me that the 5th booster put him bed for 4 days but rather that than death. The guy was about 5'7" and must have weighed 20stone. The mind boggles.

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Boggles indeed. Except that such comments are said by too many it seems, I would have said unbelievable. If the shots really were effective, they would have removed the terminally dim from our midst already!

I wonder if his body mass gives him some protection. somewhere to store the poisons...

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I do think the body mass could have helped, strangely.

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Interesting chap

JJ Couey

e.g. show


I have time to listen as I spend time watching paint & ink dry.

The revelations on UKC re NHS are shocking. We must take back our 'health system'.

The 'medical expert' pictured above is a shame & disgrace. How is it she is still being employed? Because she's a willing participant and probably believes the script she is given.

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We don't need to take back our health system Ned. We just need to take back our health.

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We need to 'take back' our health system, however you define or visualise that system. People do require advise, consultation and prescribed solutions.

I haven't been to a doctor or dentist for 20 years or more. The last jab I had was last century, probably school. I have long taken an 'unconventional' stance toward my health, but many do rely on a 'system'. If I broke a bone, I would seek 'medical expert' help.

On Friday my 92 year young father fainted and hit his head. At one point I feared he was 'gone'. A male & female emergency ambulance crew arrived in about 20 minutes, undertook various tests and checks and were superb. Thankfully, all is well, but I was most grateful for the 'system' that arrived. I remember merely going to the doctors surgery as a child without prior appointment and waiting to see a doctor. Today you have to make an appointment; it is the Matt Hancock (my blasted MP) type mobile phone app. digital non-face to face system being implemented as laid out by Ben, Debi Evans & co.

We must take back our health system, whether public, private or however the construct. Currently, we have a pharmaceutical dealership system.

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All you say is fair Ned. And yes, people do need advice, but I think that the advice is out there, but oyu need to look elsewhere for it. there is a natural health system available to anyone with the care/bravery/wherewithal to look for it. As for the Abulance service, we do certainly need trauma care to look after our skin flesh and bones after accidents, I just wish that was all the NHS offered

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Put bluntly, most of the public are bloody stupid. I need only visit my 3 nearest local towns; over weight, slovenly, generally unhealthy. So, let them suffer and die off? We must provide where we can. Most people do not watch UK Column, The Duran, what I consider 'healthy information' platforms.

The NHS looks buggered and unfit for purpose to me. A national health advise system could offer more homeopathic, natural, common sense, better options.

How we 'take it back', I'm not sure, other than keep at it, keep chipping away at the monstrosity that is today's NHS, private and tax funded system.

Human touch and face to face care must be a priority. Education on nutrition and psychological positive approach could benefit.

Sadly, my local surgery is till implementing covid1984 & other jabs; you couldn't pay me to accept them. We cannot just expect most to take back their own health; they have no concept of how. It can be taught though.

It's a challenge. England seems buggered to me, but we give up or keep trying. I, we, must keep trying.

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Thanks Ned, you are right in everything you say, but you can only lead a horse to water. I've taken hundreds of horses to the water in the last 4 years but they just prefer the cool aid.

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A fit for purpose health system is an option just as a fit for purpose national broadcasting service would be. If others do not wish to engage, that's their outlook.

We have elected representatives, we have systems, we spend budgets. These are realities.

We also have too many compliant fools who just 'follow orders' as perfectly demonstrated during covid1984. Neither you nor I can save the world, but we can aspire to do our best and put forward suggestions and support where feasible.

I do not pretend it is easy or even likely in the near future, but we try.

e.g. Ireland just voted NO to cultural Marxist stupidity. The €U & co will try again, but for now it is NO. In the mean time, take back your own health as you and I try to do.

Life is endlessly full of challenge.

Free Palestine!


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Well said.

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Thanks, Ben.

It's heartening to see Dr Kayat extravagantly enhanced by, presumably, Boots's cosmetics so that she can gush even more effectively to the camera.

When I next need a new lipstick, I know where to go. For health advice - probably go to Robert Dyas.

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It's all over... Waiting for the solar storm tbh...

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Can anyone tell me how Boots or any other pharmacy MAKES money out of Pharmacy First?

My wife works in a pharmacy. They receive £1,000 a month in funding, yet have had to employ an additional pharmacist, and additional support staff including an Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician and a Dispenser. FULL TIME. Work the additional salaries out for yourself. Pharmacy First is running the NHS on the cheap and will only increase the numbers of pharmacies going to the wall in this country.

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It'll eventually Dawn on the sleep walking GPs that they are being made redundant....

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