
NHS as Marketplace

The relentless privatisation and digitisation of the National Health Service is a threat to our health and security. But at least Boots and others are making £billions

Sharing this UK Column News segment focused on the NHS Pharmacy First scheme which is turning privately owned pharmacies into the first port of call for patients seeking care.

The UK’s largest pharmacy chain, Boots (and its shareholders) are set to profit handsomely from the programme. And they’ve inexplicably chosen discredited ‘celebrity’ GP Sara Kayat to front up their public messaging.

For my money, Kayat should have been struck off, at the very least, and probably face criminal charges for promoting the deadly AZ COVID Vaccine on national television. Yet Boots seem to think she’s a suitable candidate to represent their new service. Crazy times.

Beyond this, the relentless drive towards full-scale digitisation is placing unparalleled power in the hands of a vanishingly small group of technocrats. Many of whom have inexcusable joint roles working as both ‘poacher’ and gamekeeper’ - being paid big money in senior roles inside the NHS while at the same time taking on lucrative private sector contracts.

These are not isolated incidents.

This is par for the course.

Surely it’s time to defund and replace this deeply compromised system with something designed to serve the interests of British citizens?

From London.


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