"If you want to know who controls you simply find out who you are not permitted to criticise." - Voltaire

Genocidal maniacs in this case protected by a gestapo whose fat salaries and pensions are paid for by the British taxpayers who thought they had seen the backs of evil people like these 80 years ago.

As for terrorism charges against the "British" government, they tried to put the producer of the 7/7 video behind bars for years and that video and the government's rabid response to it showed us that the British government does indeed seem to carry out actual terror attacks on the British people just as project Gladio did mainly in Italy planting bombs to murder italians when the Italians got it into their silly heads that they lived in an actual democracy and started voting communist so the "communists" did what any sensible party would do apparently and started planting bombs to murder their voters. Of course the US later admitted it was behind these murders via NATO to try to stop Italians voting communist and this was an acceptable policy because you know "sometimes we have to destroy the village to save it.". The government tried to make the 7/7 producer's trial non-jury where they would have just banged the producer up for life but he did manage to get a jury trial in the end and the jury threw the case out and so must have considered the video harmless or true and my betting is on true. Many others have investigated that incident since and many other incidents and came to the same conclusions that the British government and its police thugs and courts chock full of be-wigged traitors are indeed a gang of lawless thugs terrorising the British people as defined in the UK's own laws but those investigators forget those laws always define terror as what you or I do to the government and its tame sheep but not what the government does for which there is always a twisted get-out clause and that is how we know we live in a sham democracy.

In the UK a King or Queen is supposed to protect the people from all of this of course instead of as now where there is a "king" temporarily in place that cheers them on from the front row of the degenerate show just as his equally traitorous mother did before him.

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well said, Sir

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I like this comment a lot and especially the final paragraph. I was asleep before Covid and ambivalent about the royals, until “his mother’s” performance at her husband’s funeral. That for me showed her true colours.

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There is a widely distributed photograph of one of the Rothschilds poking a finger at Chuck, for which I always think the caption should be 'and don't you forget it sonny'. The image is, to use a hackneyed phrase, a stark reminder of who is in charge in this country.

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This is unbelievably sinister and disgusting behaviour by agents of the state. May the truth always prevail in times of darkness.

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it takes a perverse mind to contemplate desecrating someone's ashes, let alone doing it

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It does indeed Ben, I’d wager it’s someone without a soul and showing a great distain for our Christian culture.

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We're living in a time of perversity.

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Were they agents of the state? In boyhood I associated the state with the Crown because state functionaries were agents or officers of the Crown, owing allegiance to the sovereign who had sworn an oath to defend us and our rights and liberties. That seems to have changed and The State now seems to have a life of its own, no longer concerned to defend us and protect our rights and liberties but working to extend the power of corporations over us.

Edit: I'd misspelled extend as extent, which I have altered.

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we are controlled by an unholy alliance between power and money

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The more we see these ugly incidents play out, the more "They" reveal themselves. All to protect the hideous dehumanising and genocidal actions of the Israeli state and the loathsome scheming globalist criminal cabal that hides behind it.

It's obviously aimed to intimidate all of us from boldly speaking out, especially against the orchestrated wars in Israel and Ukraine, whilst being monitored 24/7 by the beady eyes of the English Starmer Stasi Thought Police.

This doesn't feel like England any more. We're being intimidated by menacing Orwellian State Thuggery. It's a Psychological War. These callous and repressive Terror State actions seem like the long fangs of the aspirational tinpot New World Order.

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'Police', and others, whomever they actually work for, have only recently been given immunity from prosecution for criminal offences they commit in the execution of their duties, with no exceptions, even for murder. It hasn't taken them long to start indulging their lust for brutality.

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