Oct 7Liked by Ben Rubin

Excellent Ben. This whole process is a juggernaut, an unstoppable juggernaut IMHO, this is a plan that has been in the making for many decades and will continue for many decades unless a black swan event disrupts it. For me, I’m just happy I won’t be around to see much of this come to fruition, as for my family, they haven’t a clue what’s going on, neither do they care, which, I have to say seems to be the position of most folks I talk to, if, I broach the subject, their eyes just glaze over and I’m told I’m just a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. They deserve all that’s coming to them, and, when the reality finally hits and they are looking for someone to blame, all they need do I look in the mirror. One of my favourite sayings is, ‘You can ignore reality but, you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality’. And, what a reality it will be eh?

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This sums up our era perfectly ‘You can ignore reality but, you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality’.

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'For me, I’m just happy I won’t be around to see much of this come to fruition, as for my family, they haven’t a clue what’s going on, neither do they care, which, I have to say seems to be the position of most folks I talk to'

That's the situation with my family exactly, and it's heartbreaking.

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Brilliant Ben, like the new style, it gives a great hook to explore more. The SDG's evolved from the millennium goals, the arrogance and egos of the UN has gone unchecked and unchallenged for decades. It is unstoppable, but the hard lines of common sense and integrity are showing up in people's lives daily now. It is important to stay joyful, get arsey if you need to ask uncomfortable questions, and be unafraid of things that dont make sense. Only when peoples individual morality is scrutinized and conscious's piqued, will we see humanity reclaim its space to live life as wonderfully as each of us deserves.

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Oct 7Liked by Ben Rubin

The UNcalendar has no idea God has a real calendar.

The UN language is pretty much designed to say one thing while doing another. The UN is anti-God & naturally also anti-human. Human nature without God is a mess. UN sustainability is a death knell for humanity.

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Oct 8Liked by Ben Rubin

If you change the global parasite class to the global predatory class it may give a stronger message to the notoriously slumbering members of humanity by calling it what it actually is. Will we have to undergo a near-death experience as a collective (I'd love to say civilisation!) in order to come to our senses and reclaim our sovereignty from the shackles we've been living under for so long?

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Oct 8Liked by Ben Rubin

Does anyone know which countries abstained from this agreement?

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very good question

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Oct 7Liked by Ben Rubin

Great presentation Ben. Well done brother. We're living in strange times for sure. Incredibly the war machine keeps rolling at the behest of our supposed representatives. It's such an overwhelmingly outrageous circus and indeed we are marching towards a complete fascist future. Personally as an anarchist I believe we should admit that we are currently no more than slaves and the Plantation (aka society) is full of unease and discontent. It's a perfect time to reawaken people to their personal worth and innate personal sovereignty. It is impossible to give power that you don't have to someone else, yet that insanity is being played out across the world by governments acting for the government not the people. It is impossible to give away your power and not expect that power to be used back against you. To give power is to make someone your master. A master can never serve a slave.

What little is left of our infrastructures should be saved not destroyed. Life could continue without the intrusion of government. The belief in statism is the most destructive attack upon humanity.

I truly hope people can rid themselves of such a historically proven misguided belief.

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Yes, people fell asleep a long time ago. We have become docile and expectant. People think everything will and should be laid on for them by the system, without putting anything back in. That is the fast route to slavery. Thanks for your comment, appreciate your feedback.

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Love you, Ben! (not in an inappropriate way) 🤩

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love you too! :)

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Oct 7Liked by Ben Rubin

Very excellent! Your reporting is concise and in-depth!

Please keep it up!

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thank you Astrid, really appreciate the feedback

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A quick comment as I’m prepping Sunday dinner 🍲 A good informative video on the ‘horror’ that is the UN 🇺🇳

‘We own the science’, is a phrase that requires more highlighting given its totalitarian governmental bias against science and discovery.

Showing the five calendars exposes the amount of meetings and sub-meetings taking place.

These meetings are attended by 1000s of people deciding on the New Contract/Green Agenda.

Do all these people live in New York?

If not how do they all travel there?

We know the answer of course but they blindly turn up to the events safe in the knowledge they don’t really care about the environment or their fellow humans needs of travel.

Take a look at the costs of next summers holidays. Recently the EasyJet CEO was asking questions about green taxes on flights and where exactly that money was going as it appears not to go into the green budget. ( https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/green-tax-holiday-costs-easyjet-holidays-abta-b2626272.html )

One other point, and I say this for your own safety, women, generally are the peacemakers in my experience and to say otherwise is to take a path that could lead to your demise or destruction… by a woman!🧍‍♀️ 👀🥷🤷🏻😁

Good work Ben! 👍🏼

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Thank you Bill. I believe they rationalise their own hypocritical levels of air travel through their absolute certainty that they are much, MUCH more important than you or I.

Noted on the women. Ladies we love you: just slightly terrified is all ;)

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It does make me chuckle when people say “oh yeah the plan is bring in a one world government” when it’s blindingly obvious that we already have it disguised with a thin veneer of ‘democracy’.

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Ben, great to find your substack and this about the UN. I have spent a lot of time researching how it is that 'Climate Emergencies', 'Biodiversity Emergencies' and 'Plant Based Catering' are being declared by local councils throughout the UK using almost identical wording. It all points to the UN, eventually confirmed in their 'The Critical Importance of SDG Localization' where they state:

"There is a need to strengthen systematic SDG localization and subnational climate action to utilize interlinkages and make integrated action more effective and efficient"

I can't yet prove how they are doing this, probably they nurtured the whole Rising UP!, Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Democracy etc. etc. thing as a vehicle to subvert national government.

I am doing this because I have found a few local Councillors who are similarly suspicious of the activities of Green Party Councillors in wanting to declare 'emergencies' and who seem willing to take them on. I have documented it here, if it is allowed to post my URL: https://cw50b.wordpress.com/fodnetzero/un-agenda-2030/

Your analysis here will give added weight to my argument to them. I sincerely thank you for your work.

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