How the UN SDGs drive a fascist public-private marketplace from the highest levels of governance to the frontline of British daily life, for the benefit of the global 1%
The correct conclusion of this analysis is that the “Beast” - as Pres Milei calls it - is really a continuation of 1930s fascism. These globalist idealist fantasist authoritarian ethnicist envy and economic redistribution, environmental etc laws and controlled thinking ideas are fascist. Ben's comments about Mussolini are right. The socialist fascists hated their own people, considered them stupid and needing to be lied to and led by the nose, admired the militaristic caliphates, and believed in socialist revolutionary ideas. Returning to Mussolini: Mussolini claimed of his own actions to be the "supreme regulator of all citizens", he was "making superhuman efforts to educate this people. When they have learnt to obey, they will believe what I tell them." (Mussolini) "The citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual who has the anti-social right of rebelling against any law of the Collectivity." That darling of the socialist Left, Che Guevara, explained what Italian fascism was quite well when he said, "True pure fascism, as envisaged by Mussolini, grew out of the militant left-wing of Italian Socialism. It was an attempt to impose the Social Democratic program through dictatorship and armed force. The goal was to nationalize industry and subordinate all classes to the needs of the State. The working classes were to benefit from this revolution — but only so long as they remained subservient to the Fascist State." Il Duce harked back to the Imperial Law of 6th century Emperor Justinian (whose elimination of all pagan and heretic beliefs based on the mass genocide of the Corpus Juris and created the Holy Roman Empire) and was a revolutionary who thought that "reactionaries" were exploiting the earth and that after his 'glorious revolutionary war' was over, "the world's social revolution will be followed by a more equitable distribution of the earth's riches".
I am also reminded of Goebbels for example, the head of propaganda for the nazis, who stated that "Socialism is the ideology of the future ...England is a capitalist democracy. Germany is a socialist people's state" and of Heinrich Himmler, who ran the SS, who said "In the course of history periods of capitalism and socialism alternate with one another; capitalism is the unnatural, socialism the natural economic system...The National Socialists and the Red Front have the same aspirations." Yes really.
I find it interesting that marches through the streets of London and elsewhere in support of dangerous left-wing tendencies often display masked individuals in black, that Mr Starmer often sports his expensive gifts of suits and shirts that are also black... As usual there is the deliberate misunderstanding of what is "right wing". It may seem oblique to many, but one is reminded of the way in which the 1930s fascists toyed with islamism, leading to Mussolini being dubbed with the sword of Islam and Franco using the Moorish guard in full bedouin-style caliphate robes as his personal escort. The "far right" carries a meaning for the Left which conveniently ignores the history of corporate and clerical "3rdWay"leftism. It also uses the term "right wing" to deliberately confuse the 1930s fascists and socialist nazis - who were socialists - with anyone who happens to dislike their socialist and even fascist ideas, and wants to be a soveriegn individual living in a sovereign nation, rather than be subservient to their collectivist-corporarate WEF superstate.
I am also reminded of Goebbels for example, the head of propaganda for the nazis, who stated that "Socialism is the ideology of the future ...England is a capitalist democracy. Germany is a socialist people's state" and of Heinrich Himmler, who ran the SS, who said "In the course of history periods of capitalism and socialism alternate with one another; capitalism is the unnatural, socialism the natural economic system...The National Socialists and the Red Front have the same aspirations." Yes really.
Thanks Ben - not just for this, but for all of your efforts! 🙏
I wonder (because this is right up your street) if you've heard about Starmer's political past - excluded by legacy journalism - as a Trotskyist/Pabloite?
Very good! And when you've finished with Stamer's hidden underbelly, maybe you'll consider a the liar Lammy for scrutiny. - Personally I don't believe for one minute that man is descended from slaves "brought here in chains". Remarkably few slaves were brought to Britain. Not to mention not a drop of white admixture in him after all these generations! I'd love to see that bollox exposed... Just a bit of wishful thinking I'm passing along on the off-chance. 😊🫣😁✊
Emperor Justinian's "Corpus Juris" is quoted in the EU's own design to have a single EU system of law. As we know, common law was law developed by custom, beginning before there were any written laws and continuing to be applied by courts after there were written laws, too, whereas civil law developed out of the Roman law of Justinian's Corpus Juris Civilis (Body of Civil Law). This was a way of codifying all law into a book of rules, which Napoleon wanted to extend - through military force - across Europe, and that the fascists took up as a form of "world revolution".
Case law was traditionally given less weight - for example the Napoleonic code expressly forbade French judges from pronouncing the law! UNIDROIT is a an exptension of this, and has attempted to unite all legal systems and branches of law into one.
There is no doubt that the EU promotes this kind of international socialist corporatism (fascism). Hitler in fact had said, in an interview with George Sylvester Viereck in 1923 "We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. ... We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state." And Mussolini who stated that (after the War) there had to be a "world social revolution that will be followed by a more equitable distribution of the earth's riches" and also - "You cannot get rid of me because I am and always will be a socialist.
That word "equitable" is now resurfacing with the idea that ensuring "equity" is the true function of the State (not equal treatment under the law but the guarantee of equal outcomes, no matter what a person's ability, merit, or ideology, everyone is to have the exact same end conditions).
HGWells' book (and the film based on it) "Shape of Things to Come" demostrates the elitist sense of superiority that these types have.
HGWells predicted a global republic "..the New Republicans “will constitute an informal and open freemasonry. In all sorts of ways they will be influencing and controlling the apparatus of the ostensible governments…” "..“we can weave a world system of monetary and economic activities, while the politicians, the diplomatists, and the soldiers are still too busy with their ancient and habitual antics to realise what we are doing”
This “open conspiracy,” according to Wells, was “not a project to overthrow existing governments by insurrectionary attacks, but to supersede them by disregard. It does not want to destroy them or alter their forms but to make them negligible by replacing their functions”
Theses what the EU does and hand in glove with big business. There is really no scret about it. But we are all meant to believe that socialism, in its very essence, is antithetical to capitalism...
H.G. Wells explains this seeming paradox, in part, in something he wrote in 1920: “Big Business is in no means antipathetic to Communism. The larger big business grows the more it approximates Collectivism. It is the upper road of the few instead of the lower road of the masses to Collectivism”. And, "... when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people."
H. G. Wells, in his book entitled The New World Order (1939)
Though he is mainly regarded as just a writer of scientific romance, from an ordinary background, he was a very influential thinker who had extremely powerful friends - but as a utopian socialist his most extensive writings were on equality and human rights, most notably his most influential work, The Rights of Man (1940), laid the groundwork for the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations shortly after his death. Really!! And he hated the ordinary working classes. Fabians (like Starmer and Blair) have basically the same objectives as the Fascists.
Excellent segment Ben. It came just too late for me to incorporate into a couple of emails (now posted online by my friend Joel Smalley) I recent sent to my MP to berate him over his support of Net Zero and the Climate and Nature Bill.
I’ve been aware for some time that “climate change” is being used as a covert Trojan Horse to oppress and eventually ensnare the populace digitally. Your segment was the first time I’ve seen this linked explicitly to the UN’s SDGs.
I did get as far as accusing my MP of treason, conveniently no longer a crime thanks to climate change arch villain Tony Blair. You might find some of the material in my emails of interest:
The correct conclusion of this analysis is that the “Beast” - as Pres Milei calls it - is really a continuation of 1930s fascism. These globalist idealist fantasist authoritarian ethnicist envy and economic redistribution, environmental etc laws and controlled thinking ideas are fascist. Ben's comments about Mussolini are right. The socialist fascists hated their own people, considered them stupid and needing to be lied to and led by the nose, admired the militaristic caliphates, and believed in socialist revolutionary ideas. Returning to Mussolini: Mussolini claimed of his own actions to be the "supreme regulator of all citizens", he was "making superhuman efforts to educate this people. When they have learnt to obey, they will believe what I tell them." (Mussolini) "The citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual who has the anti-social right of rebelling against any law of the Collectivity." That darling of the socialist Left, Che Guevara, explained what Italian fascism was quite well when he said, "True pure fascism, as envisaged by Mussolini, grew out of the militant left-wing of Italian Socialism. It was an attempt to impose the Social Democratic program through dictatorship and armed force. The goal was to nationalize industry and subordinate all classes to the needs of the State. The working classes were to benefit from this revolution — but only so long as they remained subservient to the Fascist State." Il Duce harked back to the Imperial Law of 6th century Emperor Justinian (whose elimination of all pagan and heretic beliefs based on the mass genocide of the Corpus Juris and created the Holy Roman Empire) and was a revolutionary who thought that "reactionaries" were exploiting the earth and that after his 'glorious revolutionary war' was over, "the world's social revolution will be followed by a more equitable distribution of the earth's riches".
I am also reminded of Goebbels for example, the head of propaganda for the nazis, who stated that "Socialism is the ideology of the future ...England is a capitalist democracy. Germany is a socialist people's state" and of Heinrich Himmler, who ran the SS, who said "In the course of history periods of capitalism and socialism alternate with one another; capitalism is the unnatural, socialism the natural economic system...The National Socialists and the Red Front have the same aspirations." Yes really.
I find it interesting that marches through the streets of London and elsewhere in support of dangerous left-wing tendencies often display masked individuals in black, that Mr Starmer often sports his expensive gifts of suits and shirts that are also black... As usual there is the deliberate misunderstanding of what is "right wing". It may seem oblique to many, but one is reminded of the way in which the 1930s fascists toyed with islamism, leading to Mussolini being dubbed with the sword of Islam and Franco using the Moorish guard in full bedouin-style caliphate robes as his personal escort. The "far right" carries a meaning for the Left which conveniently ignores the history of corporate and clerical "3rdWay"leftism. It also uses the term "right wing" to deliberately confuse the 1930s fascists and socialist nazis - who were socialists - with anyone who happens to dislike their socialist and even fascist ideas, and wants to be a soveriegn individual living in a sovereign nation, rather than be subservient to their collectivist-corporarate WEF superstate.
I am also reminded of Goebbels for example, the head of propaganda for the nazis, who stated that "Socialism is the ideology of the future ...England is a capitalist democracy. Germany is a socialist people's state" and of Heinrich Himmler, who ran the SS, who said "In the course of history periods of capitalism and socialism alternate with one another; capitalism is the unnatural, socialism the natural economic system...The National Socialists and the Red Front have the same aspirations." Yes really.
thank you for two excellent replies, lots in here for me to look into
Thanks Ben - not just for this, but for all of your efforts! 🙏
I wonder (because this is right up your street) if you've heard about Starmer's political past - excluded by legacy journalism - as a Trotskyist/Pabloite?
Essential reading!!! -
thanks Kali, have covered Starmer's background before. But not the Pabloite angle which I was semi-aware of but will now dig into in more depth.
Very good! And when you've finished with Stamer's hidden underbelly, maybe you'll consider a the liar Lammy for scrutiny. - Personally I don't believe for one minute that man is descended from slaves "brought here in chains". Remarkably few slaves were brought to Britain. Not to mention not a drop of white admixture in him after all these generations! I'd love to see that bollox exposed... Just a bit of wishful thinking I'm passing along on the off-chance. 😊🫣😁✊
Emperor Justinian's "Corpus Juris" is quoted in the EU's own design to have a single EU system of law. As we know, common law was law developed by custom, beginning before there were any written laws and continuing to be applied by courts after there were written laws, too, whereas civil law developed out of the Roman law of Justinian's Corpus Juris Civilis (Body of Civil Law). This was a way of codifying all law into a book of rules, which Napoleon wanted to extend - through military force - across Europe, and that the fascists took up as a form of "world revolution".
Case law was traditionally given less weight - for example the Napoleonic code expressly forbade French judges from pronouncing the law! UNIDROIT is a an exptension of this, and has attempted to unite all legal systems and branches of law into one.
There is no doubt that the EU promotes this kind of international socialist corporatism (fascism). Hitler in fact had said, in an interview with George Sylvester Viereck in 1923 "We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. ... We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state." And Mussolini who stated that (after the War) there had to be a "world social revolution that will be followed by a more equitable distribution of the earth's riches" and also - "You cannot get rid of me because I am and always will be a socialist.
That word "equitable" is now resurfacing with the idea that ensuring "equity" is the true function of the State (not equal treatment under the law but the guarantee of equal outcomes, no matter what a person's ability, merit, or ideology, everyone is to have the exact same end conditions).
HGWells' book (and the film based on it) "Shape of Things to Come" demostrates the elitist sense of superiority that these types have.
HGWells predicted a global republic "..the New Republicans “will constitute an informal and open freemasonry. In all sorts of ways they will be influencing and controlling the apparatus of the ostensible governments…” "..“we can weave a world system of monetary and economic activities, while the politicians, the diplomatists, and the soldiers are still too busy with their ancient and habitual antics to realise what we are doing”
This “open conspiracy,” according to Wells, was “not a project to overthrow existing governments by insurrectionary attacks, but to supersede them by disregard. It does not want to destroy them or alter their forms but to make them negligible by replacing their functions”
Theses what the EU does and hand in glove with big business. There is really no scret about it. But we are all meant to believe that socialism, in its very essence, is antithetical to capitalism...
H.G. Wells explains this seeming paradox, in part, in something he wrote in 1920: “Big Business is in no means antipathetic to Communism. The larger big business grows the more it approximates Collectivism. It is the upper road of the few instead of the lower road of the masses to Collectivism”. And, "... when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people."
H. G. Wells, in his book entitled The New World Order (1939)
Though he is mainly regarded as just a writer of scientific romance, from an ordinary background, he was a very influential thinker who had extremely powerful friends - but as a utopian socialist his most extensive writings were on equality and human rights, most notably his most influential work, The Rights of Man (1940), laid the groundwork for the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations shortly after his death. Really!! And he hated the ordinary working classes. Fabians (like Starmer and Blair) have basically the same objectives as the Fascists.
Sorry it's so long
The WEF motto should be "You'll own nothing and you'll be nothing".
Excellent segment Ben. It came just too late for me to incorporate into a couple of emails (now posted online by my friend Joel Smalley) I recent sent to my MP to berate him over his support of Net Zero and the Climate and Nature Bill.
I’ve been aware for some time that “climate change” is being used as a covert Trojan Horse to oppress and eventually ensnare the populace digitally. Your segment was the first time I’ve seen this linked explicitly to the UN’s SDGs.
I did get as far as accusing my MP of treason, conveniently no longer a crime thanks to climate change arch villain Tony Blair. You might find some of the material in my emails of interest:
Climate Change and the corruption of science:
Climate Change and the corruption of science Part 2: