UK Column report from 10 February.
Exploring the International Fund for Public Interest Media, and how the Ford Foundation (amongst many others) is orchestrating a naked power grab across the Global South.
Question for everybody: do we actually think people like Hilary Pennington from the Ford Foundation (as referenced in the segment) are so lacking in self-awareness that they don’t understand the fact that their involvement in these media operations means they aren’t independent? I.e. do they actually believe their own propaganda, or is this just a huge gaslighting operation?
The whole thing reeks of the kind of arrogant hypocrisy that could only come from one of these extraordinarily privileged ‘liberal progressive’ women who are clearly at the epicentre of this sordid global clown show.
Finally, for those unfamiliar with the ‘satanic throne room’ at the Vatican (also referenced in the report), here are some pictures:
Yes, it is very clearly the head of a snake. And the hideous statue on stage is exactly 66ft tall.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revelation 13:18
It’s all a bit in your face, isn’t it?
From London.
Ben Rubin
Links and further reading:
What is Propaganda? Michael Driver for Winter Oak
The International Fund: Annual Report 2023 (PDF)
International Fund: A Moment of Truth: Securing the survival of independent journalism (PDF)
The International Fund for Public Interest Media (YouTube): A Moment of Truth: Securing the Survival of Independent Journalism
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: International Fund for Public Interest Media
Maria Ressa (on X): Maria Ressa’s post
Transgender women can breastfeed, first case study shows
Apolitical Foundation: Team: Co-founder & CEO Lisa Witter
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