
Goals House - The Global Hub for the SDGs

A short compilation of three segments from UK Column News focused on Goals House. The main global propaganda hub for the UN Sustainable Development Goals

If you’ve been watching UK Column news on a Friday over the past couple of months you will have heard me speaking about Goals House.

This global event programme is one of the key operational hubs for coordinating delivery of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The SDGs are, without question, some of the most powerful and damaging tools being deployed by the global establishment against sovereign individuals and nation states. They are being used as a pretext for the wholesale transformation of the global economic, political and cultural system into a centrally managed digital slave state.

The Goals House programme is run by Freuds Group, a global communications agency founded by Matthew Freud. Freud is also a Director of the Sustainable Development Goals, working on behalf of the UN.

In this compilation of three news segments I explain what Goals House is, how it links into the broader globalist agenda, some of the key players (including many celebrities, business leaders and members of ‘Royal’ families.

I also uncover some deeply bizarre and concerning symbolism inside Goals House at Davos (aka Davos House) which might go some way to explaining the beliefs and motivations of this group.

Sharing here for those who don’t watch UKC News, and as context for subsequent posts which I’ll be sharing on Substack over the coming weeks and months.

NB - as these segments were filmed over 4-5 weeks there is some repetition which I hope you will excuse in light of the importance of the topics being presented.

Much love from London.


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