
Who are the AI overlords?

Humanity is being coerced into embracing a new technological paradigm. But who's behind it, who benefits and what are the risks?

Apparently Artificial Intelligence is the inevitable next step in the development of human civilisation. Proponents believe (or at least tell us they believe) it will solve everything from the ‘climate crisis’ to ‘gender inequity’ to ‘systemic racism’, and a whole lot more beyond that.

I don’t buy it.

Not for a second.

Nor do I want it.

And neither should you.

I’ve spoken before about the dangers of unleashing these experimental technologies into areas like healthcare and education. In this UKC News segment I examine the belief systems of those building these technologies. And they are nothing short of terrifying.

To be clear: we are dealing with psychopathic, self-proclaimed ‘overlords’ who believe themselves exempt from all basic ethical principles. They even talk openly about the potential for ‘speciation’ - where a new master race, separated from and positioned above the rest of humanity will appear on the back of these advanced technology platforms.

This is not scaremongering: just listen to what they’re telling us. Unprompted, in their own words.

Regulation is not the answer here. We need to opt out of their system completely. And fundamentally rethink our relationship with advanced technology.

The future of humanity depends on it.

From London.


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