
The Breathtaking Audacity of Lisa Witter & Robyn Scott

How two Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum are leading efforts across more than 170 countries to subvert sovereign Nations and implement a single system of global governance.

UK Column News segment from 21 October.

I’ve reported extensively over the past few months on the operations of Daniel Sachs and Apolitical.

Today’s report focuses on the activities of Robyn Scott, CEO of Apolitical, and Lisa Witter, CEO of Apolitical Foundation.

Both of these women work directly for Daniel Sachs.

Both are Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum.

Both play pivotal roles in the implementation of globalist plans designed to destroy and subjugate sovereign Nations and their people.

It builds on the reporting in this segment from 14 October, which you should watch first, if you’ve not already seen it.

People often talk of the New World order: well here it is.

Apolitical, funded and guided by Daniel Sachs, is the mechanism through which over 170 Nations are being subverted and destroyed from within through the forced implementation of a new single system of global governance, specified by a tiny handful of wealthy families, global corporations and investment funds.

Further evidence by this statement from Daniel Sachs over the past few days:

None of these people, or the plans they’re attempting to implement have ever faced any kind of democratic scrutiny. They are attempting to do something so audacious and so treacherous that it’s simply breathtaking when you begin to understand its scale and scope.

Veritas omnia vincit.

From London.

Ben Rubin

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