
Ask the Q: Part 8

Although Q revealed a lot of truth, there are huge chunks of information missing that are impossible to explain. If Q were genuine, these gaps would not exist.

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Yes, there is some great information in the Q drops. Here’s yet another example I came across after making these films last week:

The hole is certainly deep.

And yes, I do feel sick.

Maybe you can begin to understand why so many of us who were new to this game found the information so compelling.

But after substantially expanding my research over the past couple of years, I’ve come to the unavoidable conclusion that there are huge gaps in the Q data structure that are completely inexplicable if we’re to believe the operation was designed to enlighten us about who runs the global system, and give us the information required to bring it down.

A few examples…

Q makes no mention whatsoever of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (of which there are 17…), Rockefeller Foundation, The Trilateral Commission or the Bilderberg Meetings. To name just four things that are absolutely central to the current system of global governance.

It does make one single reference to the Council on Foreign Relations (which I incorrectly said it did not in this film).

But beyond this there is nothing.

Again, impossible to explain.

If you want find out more about the CFR, head here:

Anyway, for now that’s all I have to say on the matter.

I may do a few more posts over the coming weeks.

But for my money, Q is a busted flush.

A great ride, in many ways.

But ultimately a cruel trick and yet another tool of division and elite control.

As for Trump, it seems possible he’s one of the worst traitors in history.

I only hope the American people wake up to this before it’s too late.

Veritas omnia vincit.


From London.

Ben Rubin

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