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Black Equity Organisation

How globalist 'elites' embedded within Britain's Afro-Caribbean community are using radical left wing political ideologies to divide the nation and secure political power for the Labour government

UK Column News segment from July 5th 2024.

  • Black Equity Organisation

  • June Sarpong

  • David Lammy

“Knowledge is power. If it is not applied properly to create, let there be no doubts, it will destroy.” Emperor Haile Selassie

“Out of many, one people.” Jamaican national motto

Black Equity Organisation (BEO) was founded in 2020 in response to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

BEO claims to be fighting ‘systemic racism’. But its own leadership team is full of high ranking figures from within the British establishment: each of them living, breathing proof that systemic racism no longer exists in this country. This should be interpreted as deliberate manipulation and dishonesty on their part.

The organisation’s goal of achieving ‘equity’ (i.e. equality of outcome) can only be achieved by a totalitarian state with control over every part of our lives. It has nothing to do with justice, and everything to do with resentment, hate, revenge and the accrual of power through dishonest means.

Dame Vivian Hunt and Karen Blackett OBE are two of the most prominent figures in the BEO leadership team. They are both closely aligned with the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ agenda.

  • Hunt as UK Managing Partner for McKinsey (up until 2020).

  • Blackett as UK Managing Director for WPP (up until the start of 2024).

The idea that either of these women is marginalised or oppressed, having risen to the level they have within the system, is completely absurd.

June Sarpong is one of the most high-profile ‘black’ women in British society. She is close with Karen Blackett, deeply connected into the globalist establishment (as covered in the report) and a major voice for Labour in the UK’s Afro-Caribbean community.

What I hadn’t realised on the day the report was broadcast, was that Sarpong wasn’t just campaigning for Labour, she was also front-and-centre in the official celebrations of the General Election victory.

Sarpong was literally the first person to greet the victorious Starmer and his wife at his official victory speech.

Which places the network of global corruption that Sarpong is connected to (as described in the report) right at the very heart of the new Labour government.

You can watch the full video here:

Finally, it’s worth noting our new Foreign Secretary, David Lammy’s first official communication on being appointed into his new role:

Lammy is an enthusiastic proponent of left-wing racial politics and very keen to play on his heritage as “a descendant of enslaved people”. I wonder if anyone’s ever told him the British Empire ended slavery in 1833. Or that plenty of other people throughout history have lived as slaves, including my own grandfather.

Lammy is also a proud supporter of BEO and features on the homepage of their website. Which means BEO and the deeply cynical and highly dangerous left-wing political ideologies driving their actions are now at the very heart of the British government.

Anyone they deem to be an enemy or ‘oppressor’ (i.e. the vast majority of the native UK population) should be deeply concerned.

So too should ‘black’ people in the UK be concerned, because BEO and those attached to it are certainly not working for your best interests, regardless of what they say.

As the report describes in some detail, BEO (like BLM before it) is part of an agenda being handed down from the very top levels of the global establishment which has absolutely nothing to do with securing justice, peace or prosperity for the many, and everything to do with extending the power and reach of the tiny minority who’ve ruled over us for Centuries.

A final word to my Afro-Caribbean brothers and sisters: Out of many, one people.

From London.


Ben Rubin

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