
Has Cambridge University been captured by Global interests?

An upcoming Disinformation Summit places a greater emphasis on defending official narratives controlled by global 'elites' than seeking truth. This must stop.

UKC News segment from 21 June 24.

Includes an apology to Nina Jankowicz for inaccurately describing her role in censoring the Hunter Biden laptop.

Last week, Cambridge Judge Business School announced the first keynote speakers for the Cambridge Disinformation Summit 2025.

I was not impressed.

From where I’m sitting, Nina Jankowicz, Yoel Roth and Marianna Spring are three of the most consistent spreaders of disinformation, and censors of truth, operating in the global media and political ecosystem:

  1. Jankowicz as the ‘Disinformation tzar’ working within the Department of Homeland Security for the Biden administration.

  2. Roth as part of Twitter’s ‘Trust and Safety’ team which censored the Hunter Biden laptop in the run up to the 2020 US Presidential election.

  3. Spring as front woman for the BBC’s ‘Verify’ unit, which seeks to ‘debunk’ and ridicule (often highly pertinent and valid) information that sits outside of the Corporation’s tightly stage-managed official narrative.

For an event that is ostensibly focused on combatting the rise in ‘disinformation’ and protecting the ‘truth’, it’s remarkable that any one of these individuals would be invited to speak, let alone all three of them being announced as keynote speakers on the same day.


But the Business School, and the Summit, have a clear ideological perspective. As evidenced by speakers at the 2023 event being drawn from, amongst other places, McKinsey, EY, Google, Meta, Full Fact (lol), Ofcom and the World Health Organisation. Recent experience has shown us, without question, that not a single one of these organisations can be trusted to deliver anything approaching ‘truth’.

Closer inspection of other connections and happenings around campus only increased my concern. What influence does Bill Gates exert on official University positions via Gates Cambridge, for example? What exactly is Lord Wooley’s relationship with the Soros family? And why does Gillian Tett think it’s appropriate to head up Kings College while retaining a senior Editorial position at the FT, which is a partner of the World Economic Forum?

These are big questions that nobody else appears to be asking. But they must, else we risk an existential threat to one of our most important academic institutions.

Ben Rubin

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