
It's London Climate Action Week...!

But who's behind the event and whose interests do they represent..?

Now in its sixth year, London Climate Action Week marks the midpoint in the global climate calendar. 

It is clearly an important global focal point for ‘climate action’, but who sits behind the event and whose interests do they really represent?

This UKC News Segment from earlier this year sheds some light on the issue.


This year, the festival addresses four key themes:

1. The road to climate ambition at COP 30 with a focus on the cooperation, politics and diplomacy needed to deliver a 1.5C aligned outcome in 2025.

2. Financing the global climate transition exploring how reform of public and private finance systems can support a new global finance goal at COP 29 and future climate action.

3. Delivering a net zero and resilient UK with pre – or post – election discussions on how to deliver the transformations needed across the UK, London’s role in shaping this and delivery of London’s ambitious 2030 net zero target.

4. Mobilising whole of society climate action with a focus on mobilising key networks in law, education, health, fashion, arts , culture and beyond. A core set of flagship events across all these themes is already in preparation and the aim is to make LCAW significantly more visible globally, and to Londoners, in 2024.

Love from London.

Ben Rubin

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