UK Column News segment from 17 February.
Covering the ‘Children’s AI Summit’: a Lego & EY sponsored event designed to drive forward the global agenda to embed AI into every area of human existence.
These international corporations are perfectly happy to engage in what amounts to child abuse in order to progress their technological roadmap and fill up their sales pipeline.
Are we honestly supposed to believe these children, many of whom appear to be no more than 6 or maybe 7 years old, have come up with their own ideas for the future of Artificial Intelligence? Or that they can even conceive of the risks presented by this unprecedented technological experiment on humanity?
This is utterly ludicrous, deeply cynical and nothing more than a transparent propaganda exercise designed place more power and money in the hands of those who deserve neither.
The people who signed this off should be ashamed of themselves.
But I’m no longer sure they’re even capable.
Highly recommended further watching > Who are the AI Overlords?, Klaus Schwab’s Willing Executioners
From London.
Ben Rubin
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