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Once Upon a Future

How the United Nations is propagandising younger generations into blindly going along with its totalitarian agenda. Gen Z: Don't believe a word these patronising, manipulative psychopaths have to say.

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Once Upon a Future

Last week I broke down the UN Summit of the Future and how its recommendations will impact every single human being alive in the world today, as well as generations yet to come.

One of the key outcomes of the Summit was the Declaration on Future Generations, which places special emphasis on young people and demands their accelerated elevation into leadership positions across the UN system, and the private sector.

This is best understood as a direct assault on Nation states and traditional cultures and values. It is a fundamental threat to our way of life. A continuation of a theme I’ve explored elsewhere, including through my research into Tony Blair / US State Department-affiliated UK youth charity, My Life My Say.

Leading into the Summit, a special film, Once Upon a Future, was made by the UN specifically targeting younger generations. It struck me as extremely patronising, illogical and manipulative (as expected). But also very persuasive for an impressionable and idealistic younger audience. So I decided to break it down and take apart the propaganda in the short(ish) film embedded at the top of this post.

Anyone interested in how young people are being targeted by the global predator class embedded at the UN, including a member of the same branch of the de Rothschild family who control My Life My Say, should make time to watch.

Bridging generational divides is one of the most important steps we’ll take in fighting and, ultimately, winning this battle against a completely unaccountable and unelected self-proclaimed global ‘elite’. On that basis, please make sure to share this film with anyone in so-called Gen Z or Gen Alpha who could use some insight into how the propaganda machine is cynically targeting them under the guise of an optimistic and egalitarian agenda of ‘progress’ and ‘change’.


From London.

Ben Rubin

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PS - CLINTEL is an exceptional resource for debunking the official climate narrative. Founded in 2019 and backed by Nobel Prize Winners, amongst many other leading scientists.

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