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Tony Blair - Future of Britain 2024

Whether you voted for Labour's 'change' agenda or not, the new government's direction of travel is becoming clearer by the day... And Tony Blair is the man pulling the strings behind the scenes.

UK Column news segment from Friday 12 July.

On Tuesday 9 July I spent the entire day watching the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change ‘Future of Britain’ event. I would normally at this point say ‘so you don’t have to’, but actually I think it’s important you do.

Because what Blair, his team and collaborators in government and industry are doing has the potential to impact the lives of every single man, woman and child alive on earth today.

His vision for an AI-driven technological revolution that will completely transform our economic and political systems is nothing short of a totalitarian nightmare. It is designed to enslave humanity whilst enriching a tiny group of global corporate interests.

Luckily, the AI technology Blair is so adamant we adopt is nowhere near as powerful as he’d like, and won’t be for a number of years. It’s possible this global revolution could be over before it’s really begun… But what damage can Blair and his minions do in the meantime..?

In this report I provide a brief 20-minute run-through of what I heard and the key themes emerging from the event.

From London.

Ben Rubin


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